Sample size in factor analysis. RC MacCallum, KF Widaman, S Zhang, S Hong Psychological methods 4 (1), 84, 1999 | 7577 | 1999 |
C., Keith Widaman, Shaobo Zhang, Sehee Hong,“-Sample Size In Factor Analysis” R MacCallum Psychological Methods 4, 1999 | 7577 | 1999 |
구조 방정식 모형의 적합도 지수 선정기준과 그 근거 홍세희 Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology 19 (1), 161-177, 2000 | 2748* | 2000 |
Sample size in factor analysis: The role of model error RC MacCallum, KF Widaman, KJ Preacher, S Hong Multivariate behavioral research 36 (4), 611-637, 2001 | 1517 | 2001 |
Testing configural, metric, scalar, and latent mean invariance across genders in sociotropy and autonomy using a non-Western sample S Hong, ML Malik, MK Lee Educational and psychological measurement 63 (4), 636-654, 2003 | 941 | 2003 |
Handbook of complementary methods in education research JL Green, G Camilli, PB Elmore Routledge, 2012 | 871 | 2012 |
The criteria for selecting appropriate fit indices in structural equation modeling and their rationales SH Hong Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology 19 (1), 161-177, 2000 | 871 | 2000 |
구조방정식모형으로 논문 쓰기 H Sehee 커뮤니케이션북스, 2009 | 793 | 2009 |
Direct and indirect longitudinal effects of parental involvement on student achievement: Second-order latent growth modeling across ethnic groups. S Hong, HZ Ho Journal of Educational Psychology 97 (1), 32, 2005 | 744 | 2005 |
Power analysis in covariance structure modeling using GFI and AGFI RC MacCallum, S Hong Multivariate behavioral research 32 (2), 193-210, 1997 | 732 | 1997 |
The affective and cognitive dimensions of math anxiety: A cross-national study HZ Ho, D Senturk, AG Lam, JM Zimmer, S Hong, Y Okamoto, SY Chiu, ... Journal for research in Mathematics Education 31 (3), 362-379, 2000 | 528 | 2000 |
Cultural value similarities and differences among Asian American ethnic groups. BSK Kim, PH Yang, DR Atkinson, MM Wolfe, S Hong Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 7 (4), 343, 2001 | 441 | 2001 |
A psychometric revision of the Asian Values Scale using the Rasch model BSK Kim, S Hong Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development 37 (1), 15-27, 2004 | 308 | 2004 |
The reciprocal relationship between parental involvement and mathematics achievement: Autoregressive cross-lagged modeling S Hong, SK Yoo, S You, CC Wu The Journal of Experimental Education 78 (4), 419-439, 2010 | 164 | 2010 |
A psychometric revision of the European American Values Scale for Asian Americans using the Rasch model S Hong, BSK Kim, MM Wolfe Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development 37 (4), 194-207, 2005 | 160 | 2005 |
Protective factors against substance use among Asian American youth: A test of the peer cluster theory IJ Kim, NWS Zane, S Hong Journal of Community Psychology 30 (5), 565-584, 2002 | 109 | 2002 |
A further look at youth intellectual giftedness and its correlates: Values, interests, performance, and behavior M Roznowski, S Hong, J Reith Intelligence 28 (2), 87-113, 2000 | 100 | 2000 |
Longitudinal effects of perceived control on academic achievement S You, S Hong, HZ Ho The Journal of Educational Research 104 (4), 253-266, 2011 | 94 | 2011 |
경영학 연구에서의 구조방정식 모형의 적용: 문헌연구와 비판 김진호, 홍세희, 추병대 경영학연구 36 (4), 897-923, 2007 | 77 | 2007 |
회귀분석과 구조방정식 모형에서의 상호작용효과 검증: 이론과 절차 홍세희, 정송 인간발달연구 21 (4), 1-24, 2014 | 71 | 2014 |