Intangible capital and US economic growth C Corrado, C Hulten, D Sichel Review of income and wealth 55 (3), 661-685, 2009 | 2024 | 2009 |
Productivity dynamics in manufacturing plants MN Baily, C Hulten, D Campbell, T Bresnahan, RE Caves Brookings papers on economic activity. Microeconomics 1992, 187-267, 1992 | 1727 | 1992 |
Total factor productivity: a short biography CR Hulten New developments in productivity analysis, 1-54, 2001 | 1396 | 2001 |
Measuring capital and technology: an expanded framework C Corrado, C Hulten, D Sichel Measuring capital in the new economy, 11-46, 2005 | 1273 | 2005 |
The measurement of economic depreciation CR Hulten, FC Wykoff Urban Institute, 1980 | 874 | 1980 |
Growth accounting with intermediate inputs CR Hulten The Review of Economic Studies 45 (3), 511-518, 1978 | 854 | 1978 |
Growth accounting when technical change is embodied in capital CR Hulten National Bureau of Economic Research, 1992 | 610 | 1992 |
Divisia index numbers CR Hulten Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1017-1025, 1973 | 606 | 1973 |
How do you measure a “technological revolution”? CA Corrado, CR Hulten American Economic Review 100 (2), 99-104, 2010 | 559 | 2010 |
Infrastructure capital and economic growth: How well you use it may be more important than how much you have CR Hulten National Bureau of Economic Research, 1996 | 533 | 1996 |
Public capital formation and the growth of regional manufacturing industries CR Hulten, RM Schwab National Tax Journal 44 (4), 121-134, 1991 | 528 | 1991 |
The estimation of economic depreciation using vintage asset prices: An application of the Box-Cox power transformation CR Hulten, FC Wykoff Journal of Econometrics 15 (3), 367-396, 1981 | 514 | 1981 |
The measurement of capital CR Hulten Fifty years of economic measurement: The jubilee of the Conference on …, 1991 | 447 | 1991 |
Infrastructure, externalities, and economic development: A study of the Indian manufacturing industry CR Hulten, E Bennathan, S Srinivasan The World Bank Economic Review 20 (2), 291-308, 2006 | 353 | 2006 |
Regional productivity growth in US manufacturing: 1951-78 CR Hulten, RM Schwab The American Economic Review 74 (1), 152-162, 1984 | 347 | 1984 |
Productivity change, capacity utilization, and the sources of efficiency growth CR Hulten Journal of econometrics 33 (1-2), 31-50, 1986 | 274 | 1986 |
Measuring intangible capital and its contribution to economic growth in Europe B Van Ark, JX Hao, C Corrado, C Hulten EIB papers 14 (1), 62-93, 2009 | 250 | 2009 |
Growth accounting CR Hulten Handbook of the Economics of Innovation 2, 987-1031, 2010 | 237 | 2010 |
Issues in the measurement of economic depreciation: Introductory remarks CR Hulten, FC Wykoff Economic inquiry 34 (1), 10, 1996 | 233 | 1996 |
New developments in productivity analysis CR Hulten, ER Dean, M Harper University of Chicago Press, 2007 | 181 | 2007 |