Maria Gil-Marques
TQM, innovation and the role of cultural change
MD Moreno‐Luzon, M Gil‐Marques, J Valls‐Pasola
Industrial Management & Data Systems 113 (8), 1149-1168, 2013
Driving human resources towards quality and innovation in a highly competitive environment
M Gil-Marques, M D. Moreno-Luzon
International Journal of Manpower 34 (8), 839-860, 2013
Driving organisational ambidexterity through process management. The key role of cultural change
MD Moreno-Luzon, M Gil-Marques, F Arteaga
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 25 (9-10), 1026-1038, 2014
Quality and innovation in the organic agro-food sector: threats and opportunities of social and managerial innovation
MD Moreno-Luzon, M Gil-Marques, O Chams-Anturi
Strategies and Best Practices in Social Innovation: An Institutional …, 2018
Leadership in economy of communion companies. Contribution to the common good through innovation
MA Esteso-Blasco, M Gil-Marqués, J Sapena
Humanistic Management Journal 6 (1), 77-101, 2021
The contribution of TQM to organizational ambidexterity: the state of the art and promising research streams
MD Moreno-Luzon, M Gil-Marques
Achieving Competitive Advantage through Quality Management, 293-305, 2015
From individual to team ambidexterity: the moderating role of collaborative behavior and international experience
A Salas-Vallina, MD Moreno-Luzón, M Gil-Marqués
Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 2020
The Economy of Communion as a Social Innovation to Humanise Business
SB Esteso Blasco, Gil-Marques
Strategies and Best Practices in Social Innovation, pp 89-103, 2018
TQM and innovation: controversial issues surrounding the impact of formalization over radical innovation
M Gil-Marques, MD Moreno-Luzon
Achieving Competitive Advantage through Quality Management, 17-31, 2015
Building sustainable contextual ambidexterity through routines: A case study from information technology firms
M Gil-Marques, MD Moreno-Luzon
Sustainability 12 (24), 10638, 2020
Quality-oriented human resource practices (QHRP), ambidextrous culture and organizational ambidexterity: a study of green agro-food companies
M Moreno-Luzon, M Gil-Marques, MB Lloria, A Salas-Vallina
European Journal of Management and Business Economics, 2023
El equilibrio dinámico exploración-explotación en el marco de la gestión de la calidad y su impacto sobre la innovación. Análisis del ambidiestrismo en sectores tradicionales …
M Gil Marqués
El equilibrio dinámico exploración-explotación en el marco de la gestión de …, 2009
La Economía de Comunión y su lucha contra la pobreza
M Escrivá-Beltrán, A Esteso-Blasco, M Gil-Marqués, J Muñoz-De-Prat
Educación y tecnología en el contexto de la pandemia, 73, 0
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