Université Claude Bernard
Characterization and treatment of SARS-CoV-2 in nasal and bronchial human airway epithelia
A Pizzorno, B Padey, T Julien, S Trouillet-Assant, A Traversier, ...
Cell Reports Medicine 1 (4), 2020
Photocatalysis and disinfection of water: identification of potential bacterial targets
S Pigeot-Rémy, F Simonet, E Errazuriz-Cerda, JC Lazzaroni, D Atlan, ...
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 104 (3-4), 390-398, 2011
Platelet activation and aggregation promote lung inflammation and influenza virus pathogenesis
VB Lê, JG Schneider, Y Boergeling, F Berri, M Ducatez, JL Guerin, ...
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 191 (7), 804-819, 2015
Differential effect of glucose on ER-mitochondria Ca2+ exchange participates in insulin secretion and glucotoxicity-mediated dysfunction of β-cells
F Dingreville, B Panthu, C Thivolet, S Ducreux, Y Gouriou, S Pesenti, ...
Diabetes 68 (9), 1778-1794, 2019
Formyl peptide receptor 2 plays a deleterious role during influenza A virus infections
S Tcherniuk, N Cenac, M Comte, J Frouard, E Errazuriz-Cerda, A Galabov, ...
The Journal of infectious diseases 214 (2), 237-247, 2016
Bis (monoacylglycero) phosphate, a new lipid signature of endosome-derived extracellular vesicles
M Rabia, V Leuzy, C Soulage, A Durand, B Fourmaux, E Errazuriz-Cerda, ...
Biochimie 178, 26-38, 2020
Renal involvement in neuropathy, ataxia, retinitis pigmentosa (NARP) syndrome: a case report
S Lemoine, M Panaye, M Rabeyrin, E Errazuriz-Cerda, BM de Camaret, ...
American Journal of Kidney Diseases 71 (5), 754-757, 2018
B cells loaded with synthetic particulate antigens: a versatile platform to generate antigen-specific helper T cells for cell therapy
A Sicard, A Koenig, S Graff-Dubois, S Dussurgey, A Rouers, V Dubois, ...
Nano letters 16 (1), 297-308, 2016
Rapeseed lecithin increases lymphatic lipid output and α-linolenic acid bioavailability in rats
C Robert, L Couëdelo, C Knibbe, L Fonseca, C Buisson, ...
The Journal of Nutrition 150 (11), 2900-2911, 2020
Characterization and treatment of SARS-CoV-2 in nasal and bronchial human airway epithelia. Cell Rep Med 1: 100059
A Pizzorno, B Padey, T Julien, S Trouillet-Assant, A Traversier, ...
Characterization and treatment of SARS-CoV-2 in nasal and bronchial human airway epithelia. Cell Rep Med. 2020; 1 (4): 100059
A Pizzorno, B Padey, T Julien, S Trouillet-Assant, A Traversier, ...
Epub 2020/08/25. https://doi. org/10.1016/j. xcrm. 2020.100059 PMID: 32835306, 0
The activation of the RIG-I/MDA5 signaling pathway upon influenza D virus infection impairs the pulmonary proinflammatory response triggered by mycoplasma bovis superinfection
M Gaudino, A Lion, E Sagné, B Nagamine, J Oliva, O Terrier, ...
Journal of Virology 97 (2), e01423-22, 2023
Mousson de Camaret B, Petiot P, Juillard L, Guebre-Egziabher F: Renal involvement in neuropathy, ataxia, retinitis pigmentosa (NARP) syndrome: A case report
S Lemoine, M Panaye, M Rabeyrin, E Errazuriz-Cerda
Am J Kidney Dis 71 (754-757), 29224958, 2018
The new missense G376V-TDP-43 variant induces late-onset distal myopathy but not amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
J Zibold, LER Lessard, F Picard, LG da Silva, Y Zadorozhna, ...
Brain 147 (5), 1768-1783, 2024
Immune-Mediated rippling muscle disease associated with thymoma and anti-MURC/cavin-4 autoantibodies
J Svahn, L Coudert, N Streichenberger, A Kraut, ...
Neurology: Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation 10 (1), e200068, 2022
Identification of PCPE-2 as the endogenous specific inhibitor of human BMP-1/tolloid-like proteinases
S Vadon-Le Goff, A Tessier, M Napoli, C Dieryckx, J Bauer, M Dussoyer, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 8020, 2023
LipoParticles: a lipid membrane coating onto polymer particles to enhance the internalization in osteoblast cells
F Vanneste, A Faure, M Varache, M Menendez-Miranda, V Dyon-Tafani, ...
Nanoscale 15 (44), 18015-18032, 2023
Advanced Search Search
Q Yu, D Yin, M Kaiser, G Xu, M Guo, F Liu, J Li, M Fan, P Wang, W Chen, ...
In Vivo, 2022
ABSTRACT ER とミトコンドリアのカルシウムイオン交換に対するグルコースの特異的作用は β 細胞のインスリン分泌ならびに糖毒性を介する障害に関与する
F Dingreville, B Panthu, C Thivolet, S Ducreux, Y Gouriou, S Pesenti, ...
Diabetes: a journal of the American Diabetes Association 13 (2), 50-52, 2020
3D investigation of a PS/ABS polymer using different microscopy techniques
X Jaurand, E Errazuriz-Cerda, S Reynaud, T Douillard, F Dalmas, ...
European Microscopy Congress, 2016
文章 1–20