Characteristic Collection Bacteria From Laboratory of Microbiologi Malang University S Prabaningtyas Chimera 8 (2), 2009 | 152 | 2009 |
Pengaruh medium air cucian beras terhadap kecepatan pertumbuhan miselium biakan murni jamur tiram putih S Handiyanto, US Hastuti, S Prabaningtyas Proceeding Biology Education Conference: Biology, Science, Enviromental, and …, 2013 | 27 | 2013 |
Identifikasi, Uji Kemampuan Hidrolisis Lemak dan Penentuan Indeks Zona Bening Asam Laktat pada Bakteri dalam Wadi Makanan Traditional Kalimantan Tengah MY Rizky, RD Fitri, US Hastuti, S Prabaningtyas Proceeding Biology Education Conference: Biology, Science, Enviromental, and …, 2017 | 15 | 2017 |
Analisis perbandingan kandungan logam berat timbal (Pb) pada rumput laut Gracillaria sp. dan agar Desa Kupang Kecamatan Jabon, Sidoarjo S Qumain Universitas Negeri Malang. Program Studi Biologi, 2016 | 13 | 2016 |
Kajian penggunaan air cucian beras sebagai bahan media pertumbuhan biakan murni jamur tiram putih (Pleurotus ostreatus var. florida) S Handiyanto Universitas Negeri Malang, 2013 | 13 | 2013 |
Pemberian Pelatihan Membuat Batik Jumputan kepada Ibu PKK untuk Upaya Pelestarian dan Meningkatkan Ekonomi Masyarakat di Lowokwaru, Malang A Witjoro, MS Sari, SR Lestari, MH Irawati, S Mahanal, F Rohman, ... Jurnal Karinov 2 (2), 75-80, 2019 | 10 | 2019 |
Analisis komunitas bacillariophyta perifiton sebagai indikator kualitas air di Sungai Brantas Malang, Jawa Timur A Purwani Universitas Negeri Malang. Program Studi Biologi, 2014 | 9 | 2014 |
Identification Of Potential Bacteria On Several Lakes In East Java, Indonesia Based On 16S RRNA Sequence Analysis A Rodiansyah, AF Mahmudah, MM Ulfah, U Rohmawati, D Listyorini, ... HAYATI Journal Of Biosciences 28 (2), 136-136, 2021 | 6 | 2021 |
The effect of rice water washing medium on the speed of mycelium growth of white oyster mushrooms (Pleurotusostreatus var. Florida) S Handiyanto, U Hastuti, S Prabaningtyas Seminar Nasional X Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UNS, 1-6, 2013 | 5 | 2013 |
Vertical distribution of bacteria in various lakes of East Java, Indonesia S Prabaningtyas, A Witjoro, E Suarsini, D Aridowi, AN Aini, A Purnomo, ... Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1093 (1), 012017, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
Identification and phylogenetic study of bioluminescent bacteria from squid (Loligo duvaucelii) based on 16S rRNA gene MP Pertiwi, PKH Praseptin, ID Werdani, D Listyorini, S Prabaningtyas AIP Conference Proceedings 2002 (1), 2018 | 3 | 2018 |
Eksplorasi Bakteri Amilolitik Potensial dari Ranu Pani, Ranu YK Basitoh, E Suarsini, S Prabaningtyas Jurnal Ilmu Hayat 3 (2), 52-63, 2018 | 3 | 2018 |
Co-culture mikroalga Chlorella sp. dan bakteri (penghasil IAA dan pelarut fosfat), prospek industri mikroalga masa depan.[Laporan Penelitian] S Prabaningtyas, A Witjoro, D Aridowi, D Aribah, YK Basithoh Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas …, 2017 | 3 | 2017 |
Distribution and biodegradation analysis of polyvinyl chloride microplastic by indigenous bacteria isolated from Supit Urang Landfill, Malang, Indonesia K ROZANA, S PRABANINGTYAS, DR WIDYATAMA Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 24 (7), 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
Identifikasi Jenis Kapang Kontaminan Kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) di Pasar Tradisional Kota Malang F Maulita, US Hastuti, S Prabaningtyas Jurnal Mikologi Indonesia 5 (1), 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Antibacterial activity of Rhinacanthus nasutus L. Kurz ointment to inhibit Staphylococcus aureus growth using in vitro dilution method B Lukiati, S Prabaningtyas, D Aribah, SN Arifah IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 276 (1), 012023, 2019 | 2 | 2019 |
Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri pada mata pelajaran biologi materi jamur untuk meningkatkan kompetensi siswa kelas X SMA Brawijaya Smart School Malang T Henykartikasari Universitas Negeri Malang, 2015 | 2 | 2015 |
Protist literacy: A novel concept of protist learning in higher education H Hardianto, S Mahanal, H Susanto, S Prabaningtyas Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 20 (2), em2399, 2024 | 1 | 2024 |
Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) for stability control of single payload overhead crane system S Prabaningtyas, M Mardlijah AIP Conference Proceedings 2641 (1), 2022 | 1 | 2022 |
Exploration non-symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria from several lakes in East Java, Indonesia W Nafisah, S Prabaningtyas, A Witjoro, RT Saptawati, A Rodiansyah Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 23 (4), 2022 | 1 | 2022 |