Imperfect competition and macroeconomics: A survey H Dixon, N Rankin Oxford Economic Papers 46 (2), 171-199, 1994 | 254 | 1994 |
A simple model of imperfect competition with Walrasian features H Dixon Oxford Economic Papers 39 (1), 134-160, 1987 | 213 | 1987 |
Controversy: economics and happiness editorial note HD Dixon The Economic Journal 107 (445), 1812-1814, 1997 | 101 | 1997 |
Keeping up with the Joneses: competition and the evolution of collusion HD Dixon Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 43 (2), 223-238, 2000 | 94 | 2000 |
The existence of mixed-strategy equilibria in a price-setting oligopoly with convex costs H Dixon Economics Letters 16 (3-4), 205-212, 1984 | 88 | 1984 |
The new macroeconomics: imperfect markets and policy effectiveness HD Dixon, N Rankin Cambridge University Press, 1995 | 87* | 1995 |
How to compare Taylor and Calvo contracts: a comment on Michael Kiley HD Dixon, E Kara Journal of Money, credit, and Banking 38 (4), 1119-1126, 2006 | 69 | 2006 |
Imperfect competition and the fiscal multiplier H Dixon, P Lawler The Scandinavian journal of economics, 219-231, 1996 | 69 | 1996 |
Unions, oligopoly and the natural range of employment H Dixon The Economic Journal 98 (393), 1127-1147, 1988 | 69 | 1988 |
Controversy: On the use of the ‘hidden economy’estimates H Dixon The Economic Journal 109 (456), 335-337, 1999 | 66 | 1999 |
Strategic investment in an industry with a competitive product market H Dixon The Journal of Industrial Economics 33 (4), 483-499, 1985 | 63 | 1985 |
Bertrand-Edgeworth equilibria when firms avoid turning customers away H Dixon The Journal of Industrial Economics, 131-146, 1990 | 59 | 1990 |
Equilibrium and explanation H Dixon | 59 | 1990 |
Approximate Bertrand equilibria in a replicated industry H Dixon The review of economic studies 54 (1), 47-62, 1987 | 59 | 1987 |
The evolution of consistent conjectures HD Dixon, E Somma Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 51 (4), 523-536, 2003 | 58 | 2003 |
The competitive outcome as the equilibrium in an Edgeworthian price-quantity model HD Dixon The Economic Journal 102 (411), 301-309, 1992 | 58 | 1992 |
Generalised Taylor and generalised Calvo price and wage setting: micro‐evidence with macro implications H Dixon, H Le Bihan The Economic Journal 122 (560), 532-554, 2012 | 55 | 2012 |
Can we explain inflation persistence in a way that is consistent with the microevidence on nominal rigidity? H Dixon, E Kara Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 42 (1), 151-170, 2010 | 52 | 2010 |
Waiting-time targets in the healthcare sector: How long are we waiting? H Dixon, L Siciliani Journal of Health Economics 28 (6), 1081-1098, 2009 | 52 | 2009 |
Imperfect competition and open economy macroeconomics HD Dixon Institute of Economics, University of Aarhus, 1993 | 48 | 1993 |