Márcia Cera
Márcia Cera
Professor of Computer Science, Federal University of Pampa
在 unipampa.edu.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Supporting malleability in parallel architectures with dynamic CPUSETs mapping and dynamic MPI
MC Cera, Y Georgiou, O Richard, N Maillard, POA Navaux
Distributed Computing and Networking: 11th International Conference, ICDCN …, 2010
Improving the dynamic creation of processes in MPI-2
MC Cera, GP Pezzi, EN Mathias, N Maillard, POA Navaux
Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface …, 2006
Investigating different general-purpose and embedded multicores to achieve optimal trade-offs between performance and energy
AF Lorenzon, MC Cera, ACS Beck
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 95, 107-123, 2016
Performance and energy evaluation of different multi-threading interfaces in embedded and general purpose systems
AF Lorenzon, MC Cera, AC Schneider Beck
Journal of Signal Processing Systems 80, 295-307, 2015
On-line scheduling of MPI-2 programs with hierarchical work stealing
GP Pezzi, MC Cera, E Mathias, N Maillard, POA Navaux
19th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance …, 2007
On the influence of static power consumption in multicore embedded systems
AF Lorenzon, MC Cera, ACS Beck
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1374-1377, 2015
Optimized use of parallel programming interfaces in multithreaded embedded architectures
AF Lorenzon, AL Sartor, MC Cera, ACS Beck
2015 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, 410-415, 2015
Simulated Annealing to Improve Analog Integrated Circuit Design: Trade-Offs and Implementation Issues
LC Severo, A Girardi, AB de Oliveira, FN Kepler, MC Cera
INTECH Open Access Publisher, 2012
Os acidentes de trabalho atendidos em pronto-atendimento de hospital universitário
ALC Kirchhof, TS Magnago, J de Souza Urbanetto, MC Cera, ...
Escola Anna Nery Revista de Enfermagem 7 (3), 361-368, 2003
The influence of parallel programming interfaces on multicore embedded systems
AF Lorenzon, AL Sartor, MC Cera, ACS Beck
2015 IEEE 39th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference 2, 617-625, 2015
Using PDCA as a general framework for teaching and evaluating the learning of software engineering disciplines
SLS Mergen, FN Kepler, JPS da Silva, MC Cera
iSys-Brazilian Journal of Information Systems 7 (2), 5-24, 2014
Uma proposta para o ensino de engenharia de software a partir da resolução de problemas
MC Cera, MH Dal Forno, VG Vieira
Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação 20 (03), 116, 2012
Scheduling dynamically spawned processes in MPI-2
MC Cera, GP Pezzi, ML Pilla, N Maillard, POA Navaux
Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing: 12th International …, 2007
Uso de redes neurais para o reconhecimento de padrões
MC Cera
UFRGS. Trabalho da disciplina Arquiteturas Especiais de Computadores, 25, 2005
Challenges and issues of supporting task parallelism in MPI
MC Cera, JVF Lima, N Maillard, POA Navaux
Recent Advances in the Message Passing Interface: 17th European MPI Users …, 2010
Providing adaptability to MPI applications on current parallel architectures
MC Cera
O Impacto da paralelização com OpenMP no desempenho e na qualidade das soluções de um algoritmo genético
H de Oliveira Gressler, MC Cera
Revista Brasileira de Computação Aplicada 6 (2), 35-47, 2014
Utilizando resolução de problemas para aproximar teoria e prática na engenharia de software
CZ Billa, MC Cera
V Fórum de Educação em Engenharia de Software (FEES 2012) Evento integrante …, 2012
Supporting MPI malleable applications upon the OAR resource manager
MC Cera, Y Georgiou, O Richard, N Maillard, POA Navaux
Colloque d’Informatique: Brésil/INRIA, Coopérations, Avancées et Défis (COLIBRI), 2009
Escalonamento Dinâmico de programas MPI-2 utilizando Divisao e Conquista
GP Pezzi, MC Cera, EN Mathias, N Maillard, POA Navaux
Anais do VII Workshop em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho, 65-72, 2006
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