Shamsul Kamariah Abdullah
Shamsul Kamariah Abdullah
Associate Professor ,Curtin University, Malaysia
在 curtin.edu.my 的电子邮件经过验证
The antecedents of tourist attitudes to revisit and revisit intentions for coastal tourism
MK Hasan, SK Abdullah, TY Lew, MF Islam
International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research 13 (2 …, 2019
Determining factors of tourists’ loyalty to beach tourism destinations: a structural model
MK Hasan, SK Abdullah, TY Lew, MDF Islam
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 32 (1), 169-187, 2020
An integrated model for examining tourists’ revisit intention to beach tourism destinations
K Hasan, SK Abdullah, F Islam, NM Neela
Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism 21 (6), 716-737, 2020
Hospitality and tourism education in an emerging digital economy
S Adeyinka-Ojo, S Lee, SK Abdullah, J Teo
Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes 12 (2), 113-125, 2020
Employers' feedback on business graduates: an exploratory study in Curtin Sarawak
PY Ng, SK Abdullah, F Tiew
International Review of business research papers 5 (4), 2009
Disruptive digital innovation and sharing economy in hospitality and tourism destination
S Adeyinka-Ojo, SK Abdullah
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 495 (1), 012006, 2019
Tourists' satisfaction and destination loyalty: a case study on Cox's Bazar beach of Bangladesh
MK Hasan, SK Abdullah, TY Lew, MF Islam
International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing 6 (3-4), 174-193, 2019
Oposisi Maya
EA Puthut, L Marcoes-Natsir, S Abdullah, N Patria, L Christanty, ...
Yogyakarta: Insist Press, 2010
Employers’ Feedback on Business Graduates and Curtin Graduate Attributes: An Exploratory Study in Curtin Sarawak
NP Yen, AS Kamariah, NP Hw, TN Huong
Proceedings of Asian Business Research Conference, 2009
Use of social media for information seeking and sharing during floods in rural Sarawak
CS Yap, W Keling, SK Abdullah
International Journal of Emergency Services 12 (1), 38-51, 2023
Curtin graduate attributes: an exploratory study on business graduates in Curtin Sarawak
PY Ng, SK Abdullah, F Tiew
Business and Information 2008, 2008
Social media marketing in rural hospitality and tourism destination research
S Adeyinka-Ojo, SK Abdullah
University of South Florida (USF) M3 Publishing 5 (2021), 11, 2021
Customer Loyalty Towards Green Cosmetics in Malaysia: A Golden Chance for Brands After Covid 19 Outbreak
J Iqbal, SKB Abdullah, YY Tiong
Global Business and Management Research 15 (3s), 162-175, 2023
Balancing the Act: Incorporating the constructive alignment in promoting and enhancing higher order thinking skills among the CHC learners
S Abdullah
GSE Journal of Education 2013 1, 88-109, 2013
Working women and family responsibilities in Sarawak: A case of Miri
WL Ming, A Urud, KT Myint, P Ho, SK Abdullah, AM Hilsdon
Perth: WEPAU, Curtin University of Technology, Working Paper Series of the …, 2004
Working women and family responsibilities in Sarawak: A case of Miri
L Wee, A Urud, K Nyint, PL Ho, S Abdullah, AM Hilsdon
Curtin University of Technology, 2004
Determinants of off-balance sheet (OBS) activities: a case of selected retail banks in Malaysia
NO Oladokun, SK Abdullah, C Ayadurai
Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal (APMAJ) 14 (1), 95-113, 2019
Curtin’s Graduate Attributes: Malaysia Employers’ Views on Importance and Performance
T Fidella, SK Abdullah
Higher Learning Institutions Of Choice: A Conceptual Review Of Consideration Sets
JSK Ming, SK Abdullah, NSA Rani, CA Das, S Campus
More spices in my skills? Assessment and learning experienced revisited-An analysis of the current assessment on Confucian heritage culture learner. A case of Curtin University …
SK Abdullah
HERDSA 2004 conference, Miri, Sarawak, 2004
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