Gabriel Montes
Gabriel Montes
Professor of Economics, Universidade Federal Fluminense
在 pq.cnpq.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Fiscal transparency, government effectiveness and government spending efficiency: Some international evidence based on panel data approach
GC Montes, JCA Bastos, AJ de Oliveira
Economic modelling 79, 211-225, 2019
Effects of transparency, monetary policy signalling and clarity of central bank communication on disagreement about inflation expectations
GC Montes, LV Oliveira, A Curi, RTF Nicolay
Applied Economics 48 (7), 590-607, 2016
Macroeconomic environment, country risk and stock market performance: Evidence for Brazil
GC Montes, BP Tiberto
Economic modelling 29 (5), 1666-1678, 2012
Corruption: what are the effects on government effectiveness? Empirical evidence considering developed and developing countries
GC Montes, PC Paschoal
Applied Economics Letters 23 (2), 146-150, 2016
Credibility and monetary transmission channels under inflation targeting: an econometric analysis from a developing country
GC Montes
Economic modelling 30, 670-684, 2013
How does capital regulation react to monetary policy? New evidence on the risk-taking channel
CO de Moraes, GC Montes, JAP Antunes
Economic Modelling 56, 177-186, 2016
Risk-taking channel, bank lending channel and the “paradox of credibility”: Evidence from Brazil
GC Montes, GBT Peixoto
Economic Modelling 39, 82-94, 2014
Credibility and the credit channel transmission of monetary policy theoretical model and econometric analysis for Brazil
G Caldas Montes, C Cabral Machado
Journal of Economic Studies 40 (4), 469-492, 2013
Effects of fiscal transparency on inflation and inflation expectations: Empirical evidence from developed and developing countries
GC Montes, LL da Cunha Lima
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 70, 26-37, 2018
Effects of reputation and credibility on monetary policy: theory and evidence for Brazil
GC Montes, JCA Bastos
Journal of economic studies 41 (3), 387-404, 2014
Sovereign credit ratings in developing economies: New empirical assessment
GC Montes, DSP De Oliveira, HF De Mendonça
International Journal of Finance & Economics 21 (4), 382-397, 2016
Fiscal credibility and disagreement in expectations about inflation: evidence for Brazil
GC Montes, T Acar
Economics Bulletin 38 (2), 826-843, 2018
Economic policies, macroeconomic environment and entrepreneurs' expectations: Evidence from Brazil
G Caldas Montes, J Cesar Albuquerque Bastos
Journal of Economic Studies 40 (3), 334-354, 2013
Fiscal transparency, legal system and perception of the control on corruption: empirical evidence from panel data
GC Montes, PH Luna
Empirical economics 60 (4), 2005-2037, 2021
Uncertainties, monetary policy and financial stability: challenges on inflation targeting.
GC Montes
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy/Revista de Economia Política 30 (1), 2010
Disagreement in expectations about public debt, monetary policy credibility and inflation risk premium
GC Montes, A Curi
Journal of Economics and Business 93, 46-61, 2017
Does clarity of central bank communication affect credibility? Evidences considering governor-specific effects
GC Montes, RTF Nicolay
Applied Economics 49 (32), 3163-3180, 2017
Reputation, credibility and monetary policy effectiveness
GC Montes
Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo) 39, 673-698, 2009
Sovereign default risk, debt uncertainty and fiscal credibility: The case of Brazil
GC Montes, I Souza
The North American Journal of Economics and Finance 51, 100851, 2020
Discretionary fiscal policy and disagreement in expectations about fiscal variables empirical evidence from Brazil
GC Montes, PH Luna
Economic Modelling 73, 100-116, 2018
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