Controlling immigration: A global perspective WA Cornelius (No Title), 1994 | 1839 | 1994 |
Death at the border: Efficacy and unintended consequences of US immigration control policy WA Cornelius Population and development review 27 (4), 661-685, 2001 | 1105 | 2001 |
Politics and the migrant poor in Mexico City WA Cornelius (No Title), 1975 | 591 | 1975 |
Controlling ‘unwanted’immigration: Lessons from the United States, 1993–2004 WA Cornelius Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 31 (4), 775-794, 2005 | 537 | 2005 |
Immigration and politics WA Cornelius, MR Rosenblum Annu. Rev. Polit. Sci. 8 (1), 99-119, 2005 | 485 | 2005 |
Controlling immigration: A global perspective J Hollifield, PL Martin, P Orrenius Stanford University Press, 2014 | 473 | 2014 |
From sojourners to settlers: The changing profile of Mexican migration to the United States WA Cornelius Americas Program, Stanford University, 1986 | 369 | 1986 |
The changing profile of Mexican migrants to the United States: New evidence from California and Mexico EA Marcelli, WA Cornelius Latin American Research Review 36 (3), 105-131, 2001 | 363 | 2001 |
Controlling immigration: The limits of government intervention WA Cornelius, T Tsuda Controlling immigration: A global perspective 2, 3-48, 2004 | 354 | 2004 |
Interviewing undocumented immigrants: Methodological reflections based on fieldwork in Mexico and the US WA Cornelius International Migration Review 16 (2), 378-411, 1982 | 320 | 1982 |
Spain: the uneasy transition from labor exporter to labor importer WA Cornelius Controlling immigration: A global perspective 2, 387-429, 2004 | 303 | 2004 |
Introduction: The ambivalent quest for immigration control WA Cornelius, PL Martin, JF Hollifield Controlling immigration: A global perspective, 3-41, 1994 | 297 | 1994 |
Transforming state-society relations in Mexico: The national solidarity strategy WA Cornelius, AL Craig, J Fox University of California, San Diego, Center for US-Mexicanstudies, 1994 | 291 | 1994 |
Subnational politics and democratization in Mexico WA Cornelius, TA Eisenstadt, J Hindley La Jolla, California University of California, Center for US-Mexican Studies, 1999 | 278 | 1999 |
The structural embeddedness of demand for Mexican immigrant labor: New evidence from California WA Cornelius Crossings: Mexican immigration in interdisciplinary perspectives 114 (125 …, 1998 | 277 | 1998 |
Mexican migration to the United States: Causes, consequences and US responses WA Cornelius Migration and Development Study Group, Center for International Studies …, 1978 | 244 | 1978 |
The transformation of rural Mexico W Cornelius, D Myhre Reforming the Ejido Sector. La Jolla: Center for US-Mexican Studies …, 1998 | 237 | 1998 |
Mexican politics in transition: The breakdown of a one-party-dominant regime WA Cornelius (No Title), 1996 | 219 | 1996 |
Does border enforcement deter unauthorized immigration? The case of Mexican migration to the United States of America WA Cornelius, I Salehyan Regulation & Governance 1 (2), 139-153, 2007 | 207 | 2007 |
Subnational politics and democratization: tensions between center and periphery in the Mexican political system WA Cornelius Subnational politics and democratization in Mexico, 3-16, 1999 | 199 | 1999 |