Elizabeth E. Davis
Elizabeth E. Davis
Professor, Applied Economics, University of Minnesota
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Accounting for the decline in AFDC caseloads: Welfare reform or the economy?
JP Ziliak, DN Figlio, EE Davis, LS Connolly
Journal of Human Resources, 570-586, 2000
Doctor, my tooth hurts: The cost of incomplete dental care in the emergency room
E Davis, A Deinard, E Maiga
Journal of Public Health Dentistry 70 (3), 205-210, 2010
Accounting for the decline in AFDC caseloads: Welfare reform or economic growth?
JP Ziliak, DN Figlio, EE Davis, LS Connolly
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Institute for Research on Poverty, 1997
The Influence of Local Price and Availability on Parents’ Choice of Child Care
E Davis, R Connelly
Population Research and Policy Review 24 (4), 301-344, 2005
The Dynamics of Child Care Subsidy Use: A Collaborative Study of Five States.
MK Meyers, LR Peck, EE Davis, A Collins, JL Kreader, A Georges, ...
National Center for Children in Poverty, Columbia University, Attn …, 2002
The coronavirus will make child care deserts worse and exacerbate inequality
R Malik, K Hamm, WF Lee, EE Davis, A Sojourner
Center for American Progress 22, 2020
Ready or Not: An Examination of the Associations between Participation in Subsidized Child Care Arrangements, Pre-Kindergarten, and Children's Readiness for School upon …
N Forry, E Davis, K Welti
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 28 (3), 634-644, 2013
Why do they leave? Child care subsidy use in Oregon
D Grobe, RB Weber, EE Davis
Journal of Family and Economic Issues 29 (1), 110-127, 2008
Child Care Subsidies and the Stability and Quality of Child Care Arrangements
C Krafft, EE Davis, K Tout
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 39, 14-34, 2017
Local Labor Market Conditions and the Jobless Poor: How Much Does Local Job Growth Help in Rural Areas?
EE Davis, LS Connolly, BA Weber
Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 503-518, 2003
Does policy matter? The effect of increasing generosity of child care subsidy policy on program outcomes
R Weber, D Grobe, E Davis
Children and Youth Services Review 44, 135-144, 2014
Assessing structural indicators of child care quality at the local level: Lessons from four Minnesota counties
DA Ceglowski, EE Davis
Child and Youth Care Forum 33, 71-93, 2004
Rural–Urban Differences in Childcare Subsidy Use and Employment Stability
EE Davis, D Grobe, RB Weber
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 32 (1), 135-153, 2010
Family-Centered Measures of Access to Early Care and Education
Davis, Lee, Sojourner
Early Childhood Research Quaterly 47, 472-486, 2019
Do Child Care Subsidies Increase Employment Among Low-Income Families
Davis, Carlin, Kraftt, Forry
Journal of Family and Economic Issues 39 (4), 662-682, 2018
The Role of Policy and Practice in Short Spells of Child Care Subsidy Participation
EE Davis, C Krafft, ND Forry
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 27, 1-19, 2017
How much does local job growth improve employment outcomes of the rural working poor?
EE Davis, BA Weber
Review of Regional Studies 32 (2), 255-274, 2002
Using Policy-Relevant Administrative Data in Mixed Methods: A Study of Employment Instability and Parents' Use of Child Care Subsidies
D Grobe, EE Davis, EK Scott, RB Weber
Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 2016
The Problem of Measurement Error in Self-Reported Receipt of Child Care Subsidies: Evidence from Two States
C Krafft, EE Davis, K Tout
Social Service Review 89, 686-726, 2015
Decomposing the Sources of Earnings Inequality: Assessing the Role of Reallocation
M Freedman, F Andersson, E Davis, J Lane, B McCall, S Kristin
Industrial Relations 51 (4), 779-810, 2012
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