Features of the Hidden Economy in the Netherlands R Eck, B Kazemier Review of Income and Wealth 34 (3), 251-273, 1988 | 79 | 1988 |
Monitoring the underground economy: a survey of methods and estimates B Kazemier Jahrbuch Schattenwirtschaft 7, 11-53, 2006 | 63 | 2006 |
Survey investigations of the hidden economy: Some methodological results B Kazemier, R Van Eck Journal of Economic Psychology 13 (4), 569-587, 1992 | 63 | 1992 |
Measuring Well-being with an Integrated System of Economic and Social Accounts; An Application of the SESAME Approach to the Netherlands B Kazemier, S Keuning, P van de Ven national Accounts Occasional Papers, nr 90, 1999 | 47* | 1999 |
Monitoring the Underground Economy B Kazemier | 36* | 2005 |
The Allocation of Time in the Netherlands in the Context of the SNA; a Module B Kazemier, J Exel National Accounts Occaional Papers 52, 1992 | 33* | 1992 |
Zwarte inkomsten uit arbeid: resultaten van in 1983 gehouden experimentele enquêtes R van Eck, B Kazemier Statistische Katernen 3, 1985 | 30 | 1985 |
Monitoring the Underground Labour Market: What Surveys can do B Kazemier Conference on undeclared Labour, 20-21 November 2003, Malmö, 2003 | 28 | 2003 |
The Contribution of Illegal Activities to National Income in the Netherlands R Kazemier, Bruil, van de Steeg Public Finance Review 41 (5), 544-577, 2013 | 24 | 2013 |
The contribution of illegal activities to national income in the Netherlands B Kazemier, A Bruijl, A van de Staag, M Rensman 2nd conference on the shadow economy, tax evasion and money laundering, July …, 2011 | 24 | 2011 |
Een kwestie van tijd? M Maliepaard, B Witkamp, R Jennissen, I Kulu-Glasgow, B Kazemier, ... WODC, 2017 | 18 | 2017 |
Handbook for measurement of the Non-Observed Economy OECD OECD, Paris, 2002 | 17* | 2002 |
A Systematic Approach to the Hidden and Informal Activities R Luttikhuizen, B Kazemier Proceedings of the International Conference on Establishment Surveys, Buffalo, 2000 | 17 | 2000 |
Zwarte arbeid, een empirische en methodologische studie R van Eck, B Kazemier University of Amsterdam, 1989 | 17* | 1989 |
Concealed interest income of households in the Netherlands: 1977, 1979 and 1981 B Kazemier Public Finance 46 (3), 1991 | 16 | 1991 |
De illegale economie en nationaal inkomen B Kazemier, M Rensman Justitiële verkenningen 41 (1), 37, 2015 | 14 | 2015 |
De enquête woningonderhoud en -verbetering 1981: een onderzoek naar het zwarte circuit B Kazemier Statistisch magazine 4, 31-38, 1984 | 12 | 1984 |
Hidden Workers and Hidden Worker Potential in the Netherlands B Kazemier Economic Analysis and Policy 44, 39-50, 2014 | 11 | 2014 |
Hidden workers and the hidden worker potential in the Netherlands B Kazemier Discussion Paper 201306, 2013 | 11 | 2013 |
De zwarte economie: een overzicht van methoden en ramingen B Kazemier Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Sociale Zekerheid, 913-956, 2003 | 11 | 2003 |