Monica Resendes
Group-level formative feedback and metadiscourse
M Resendes, M Scardamalia, C Bereiter, B Chen, C Halewood
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 10, 309-336, 2015
Two tales of time: Uncovering the significance of sequential patterns among contribution types in knowledge-building discourse
B Chen, M Resendes, CS Chai, HY Hong
Learning Analytics, 20-33, 2018
Understanding the nature of science and scientific progress: A theory-building approach
M Chuy, M Scardamalia, C Bereiter, F Prinsen, M Resendes, R Messina, ...
Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology/La Revue canadienne de l …, 2010
Does contributing to a knowledge building dialogue lead to individual advancement of knowledge?
M Chuy, J Zhang, M Resendes, M Scardamalia, C Bereiter
International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2011
Students’ intuitive understanding of promisingness and promisingness judgments to facilitate knowledge advancement
B Chen, M Scardamalia, M Resendes, M Chuy, C Bereiter
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), 2012
Ways of contributing to an explanation-seeking dialogue in science and history
M Chuy, M Resendes, C Tarchi, B Chen, M Scardamalia, C Bereiter
QWERTY-Interdisciplinary Journal of Technology, Culture and Education 6 (2 …, 2011
Uncovering what matters: Analyzing transitional relations among contribution types in knowledge-building discourse
B Chen, M Resendes
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Learning Analytics And …, 2014
Evaluation by grade 5 and 6 students of the promisingness of ideas in knowledge-building discourse
B Chen, M Chuy, M Resendes, M Scardamalia, C Bereiter
International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2011
Knowledge building for historical reasoning in Grade 4
M Resendes, M Chuy
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Learning Sciences …, 2010
The effect of formative feedback on vocabulary use and distribution of vocabulary knowledge in a grade two knowledge building class
M Resendes, B Chen, A Acosta, M Scardamalia
International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2013
Productive knowledge building discourse through student-generated questions
A Khanlari, M Resendes, G Zhu, M Scardamalia
Philadelphia, PA: International Society of the Learning Sciences., 2017
Enhancing knowledge building discourse in early primary education: Effects of formative feedback
M Resendes
University of Toronto, 2014
Big Ideas Tool” as a new feature of knowledge forum
B Chen, M Chuy, M Resendes, M Scardamalia
2010 Knowledge Building Summer Institute (KBSI), 2010
Ways of contributing to knowledge building dialogue in science
M Chuy, M Resendes, M Scardamalia
Knowledge Building Summer Institute, Toronto, Canada, 2010
The knowledge building network pilot project: An exploration of emergent designs to enhance collective teacher efficacy
L Ma, M Resendes, M Scardamalia, K Dobbie
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), 2019
Promisingness judgments as facilitators of knowledge building
B Chen, M Scardamalia, A Acosta, M Resendes, D Kici
International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2013
Identifying promising ideas in a knowledge-building discourse
B Chen, M Resendes, M Chuy, C Tarchi, C Bereiter, M Scardamalia
QWERTY-Interdisciplinary Journal of Technology, Culture and Education 6 (2 …, 2012
Knowledge Building gallery: Teaching for deep understanding and community knowledge creation (A collection of foundational KB practices and teacher innovations)
M Resendes, K Dobbie
Leading Student Achievement: Networks for Learning Project, 2017
Understanding the nature of science and scientific progress: A theory-‐building approach
M Scardamalia, C Bereiter, M Chuy, F Prinsen, M Resendes, C Teplovs
Ottawa, ON: Canadian Council of Learning (CCL). Retrieved September 18, 2011, 2010
Exploring an index of builders with potential impact on Knowledge Building from SOLO Taxonomy
C Gutiérrez-Braojos, B Chen, M Resendes
17th Annual Knowledge Building summer institute: Crossing the educational …, 2013
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