BDNF as a biomarker in diagnosis and evaluation of treatment for schizophrenia and depression S Peng, W Li, L Lv, Z Zhang, X Zhan Discovery medicine 26 (143), 127-136, 2018 | 150 | 2018 |
Projections of the second cervical dorsal root ganglion to the cochlear nucleus in rats X Zhan, T Pongstaporn, DK Ryugo Journal of Comparative Neurology 496 (3), 335-348, 2006 | 97 | 2006 |
Synthetic mRNAs drive highly efficient iPS cell differentiation to dopaminergic neurons Y Xue, X Zhan, S Sun, SS Karuppagounder, S Xia, VL Dawson, ... Stem cells translational medicine 8 (2), 112-123, 2019 | 47 | 2019 |
Proneural transcription factor Atoh1 drives highly efficient differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into dopaminergic neurons J Sagal, X Zhan, J Xu, J Tilghman, SS Karuppagounder, L Chen, ... Stem cells translational medicine 3 (8), 888-898, 2014 | 43 | 2014 |
Projections of the lateral reticular nucleus to the cochlear nucleus in rats X Zhan, DK Ryugo Journal of Comparative Neurology 504 (5), 583-598, 2007 | 30 | 2007 |
Chloroquine to fight COVID-19: A consideration of mechanisms and adverse effects? X Zhan, S Dowell, Y Shen, DL Lee Heliyon 6 (9), 2020 | 23 | 2020 |
The effects of quinine on neurophysiological properties of dopaminergic neurons L Zou, Y Xue, M Jones, T Heinbockel, M Ying, X Zhan Neurotoxicity research 34, 62-73, 2018 | 23 | 2018 |
The basal forebrain modulates spontaneous activity of principal cells in the main olfactory bulb of anesthetized mice X Zhan, P Yin, T Heinbockel Frontiers in neural circuits 7, 148, 2013 | 23 | 2013 |
Anatomical evidence of subcortical contributions to the orientation selectivity and columns of the cat's primary visual cortex X Zhan, T Shou Neuroscience letters 324 (3), 247-251, 2002 | 13 | 2002 |
Edaravone activates the GDNF/RET neurotrophic signaling pathway and protects mRNA-induced motor neurons from iPS cells Q Li, Y Feng, Y Xue, X Zhan, Y Fu, G Gui, W Zhou, JP Richard, A Taga, ... Molecular neurodegeneration 17, 1-18, 2022 | 12 | 2022 |
Harmaline attenuates voltage-sensitive Ca2+ currents in neurons of the inferior olive X Zhan, WM Graf Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences 15 (5), 657-668, 2012 | 12 | 2012 |
High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Y Xue, X Zhan, S Sun, SS Karuppagounder, S Xia, VL Dawson, ... | 1 | 2020 |
Harmaline toxicity on dorsal striatal neurons and its role in tremor X Zhan, LV Do, L Zou, RS Zhan, M Jones, S Nawaz, K Manaye NeuroToxicology 99, 152-161, 2023 | | 2023 |
Cell culture Y Xue, X Zhan, S Sun, SS Karuppagounder, S Xia, VL Dawson, ... | | 2020 |
mRNA Synthesis and Transfection Y Xue, X Zhan, S Sun, SS Karuppagounder, S Xia, VL Dawson, ... | | 2020 |
Quantitative Real‐Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (qRT‐PCR) Y Xue, X Zhan, S Sun, SS Karuppagounder, S Xia, VL Dawson, ... | | 2020 |
iPSC Differentiation Y Xue, X Zhan, S Sun, SS Karuppagounder, S Xia, VL Dawson, ... | | 2020 |
Western Blot Y Xue, X Zhan, S Sun, SS Karuppagounder, S Xia, VL Dawson, ... | | 2020 |
Immunoprecipitation (IP) and Mass Spectrometry Y Xue, X Zhan, S Sun, SS Karuppagounder, S Xia, VL Dawson, ... | | 2020 |
Electrophysiological Recordings Y Xue, X Zhan, S Sun, SS Karuppagounder, S Xia, VL Dawson, ... | | 2020 |