Surface defects classification of hot-rolled steel strips using multi-directional shearlet features MW Ashour, F Khalid, A Abdul Halin, LN Abdullah, SH Darwish Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 44, 2925-2932, 2019 | 68 | 2019 |
Shadow Detection using Color and Edge Information. M Golchin, F Khalid, LN Abdullah, SH Davarpanah J. Comput. Sci. 9 (11), 1575-1588, 2013 | 36 | 2013 |
Computer facial animation: A review HY Ping, LN Abdullah, PS Sulaiman, AA Halin International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering 5 (4), 658, 2013 | 34 | 2013 |
A texture descriptor: background local binary pattern (bglbp) SH Davarpanah, F Khalid, L Nurliyana Abdullah, M Golchin Multimedia Tools and Applications 75, 6549-6568, 2016 | 29 | 2016 |
Fatigue reliability and hazard assessment of road load strain data for determining the fatigue life characteristics L Abdullah, SSK Singh, S Abdullah, AH Azman, AK Ariffin Engineering Failure Analysis 123, 105314, 2021 | 27 | 2021 |
Genre and mood classification using lyric features TC Ying, S Doraisamy, LN Abdullah 2012 International Conference on Information Retrieval & Knowledge …, 2012 | 27 | 2012 |
Effect comparison of speckle noise reduction filters on 2D-Echocardigraphic images FA Dawood, RW Rahmat, SB Kadiman, LN Abdullah, MD Zamrin World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 69 (69), 425-430, 2012 | 23 | 2012 |
A study of physiological signals-based emotion recognition systems HY Ping, LN Abdullah, AA Halin, PS Sulaiman Int. J. Comput. Technol 11 (1), 2189-2196, 2013 | 21 | 2013 |
Machining process classification using PCA reduced histogram features and the Support Vector Machine MW Ashour, F Khalid, AA Halin, LN Abdullah 2015 IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing …, 2015 | 18 | 2015 |
Classification of herbs plant diseases via hierarchical dynamic artificial neural network after image removal using kernel regression framework NA Lili, F Khalid, NM Borhan International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering 3 (1), 15-20, 2011 | 17 | 2011 |
A framework for extracting information from semi-structured web data sources M Shaker, H Ibrahim, A Mustapha, LN Abdullah 2008 Third International Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information …, 2008 | 15 | 2008 |
Integrating audio visual data for human action detection LN Abdullah, SAM Noah 2008 Fifth International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and …, 2008 | 13 | 2008 |
An effective fusion model for image retrieval L Mansourian, MT Abdullah, LN Abdullah, A Azman, MR Mustaffa Multimedia Tools and Applications 77 (13), 16131-16154, 2018 | 11 | 2018 |
License plate localization using a Naïve Bayes classifier AA Halin, NM Sharef, AH Jantan, LN Abdullah 2013 IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing …, 2013 | 11 | 2013 |
The Morlet wavelet analysis for fatigue feature clustering S Abdullah, TE Putra, MZ Nuawi, ZM Nopiah, A Arifin, L Abdullah WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics 9 (5), 345-354, 2010 | 11 | 2010 |
Information extraction from hypertext mark-up language web pages M Shaker, H Ibrahim, A Mustapha, LN Abdullah Journal of Computer Science 5 (8), 596, 2009 | 11 | 2009 |
Durian species recognition system based on global shape representations and k-nearest neighbors XY Nyon, MR Mustaffa, LN Abdullah, NA Nasharuddin 2018 Fourth International Conference on Information Retrieval and Knowledge …, 2018 | 10 | 2018 |
Hidden markov model for content-based video retrieval NA Lili 2009 Third Asia International Conference on Modelling & Simulation, 353-358, 2009 | 10 | 2009 |
Durian recognition based on multiple features and linear discriminant analysis MR Mustaffa, NX Yi, LN Abdullah, NA Nasharuddin Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, 57-72, 2018 | 9 | 2018 |
Artificial neural network-based texture classification using reduced multidirectional Gabor features MW Ashour, F Khalid, LN Abdullah, AA Halin International Review on Computers and Software 9 (6), 1007-1016, 2014 | 8 | 2014 |