Lili Nurliyana Abdullah
Lili Nurliyana Abdullah
Assoc. Prof of Computer Science
在 upm.edu.my 的电子邮件经过验证
Surface defects classification of hot-rolled steel strips using multi-directional shearlet features
MW Ashour, F Khalid, A Abdul Halin, LN Abdullah, SH Darwish
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 44, 2925-2932, 2019
Shadow Detection using Color and Edge Information.
M Golchin, F Khalid, LN Abdullah, SH Davarpanah
J. Comput. Sci. 9 (11), 1575-1588, 2013
Computer facial animation: A review
HY Ping, LN Abdullah, PS Sulaiman, AA Halin
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering 5 (4), 658, 2013
A texture descriptor: background local binary pattern (bglbp)
SH Davarpanah, F Khalid, L Nurliyana Abdullah, M Golchin
Multimedia Tools and Applications 75, 6549-6568, 2016
Fatigue reliability and hazard assessment of road load strain data for determining the fatigue life characteristics
L Abdullah, SSK Singh, S Abdullah, AH Azman, AK Ariffin
Engineering Failure Analysis 123, 105314, 2021
Genre and mood classification using lyric features
TC Ying, S Doraisamy, LN Abdullah
2012 International Conference on Information Retrieval & Knowledge …, 2012
Effect comparison of speckle noise reduction filters on 2D-Echocardigraphic images
FA Dawood, RW Rahmat, SB Kadiman, LN Abdullah, MD Zamrin
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 69 (69), 425-430, 2012
A study of physiological signals-based emotion recognition systems
HY Ping, LN Abdullah, AA Halin, PS Sulaiman
Int. J. Comput. Technol 11 (1), 2189-2196, 2013
Machining process classification using PCA reduced histogram features and the Support Vector Machine
MW Ashour, F Khalid, AA Halin, LN Abdullah
2015 IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing …, 2015
Classification of herbs plant diseases via hierarchical dynamic artificial neural network after image removal using kernel regression framework
NA Lili, F Khalid, NM Borhan
International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering 3 (1), 15-20, 2011
A framework for extracting information from semi-structured web data sources
M Shaker, H Ibrahim, A Mustapha, LN Abdullah
2008 Third International Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information …, 2008
Integrating audio visual data for human action detection
LN Abdullah, SAM Noah
2008 Fifth International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and …, 2008
An effective fusion model for image retrieval
L Mansourian, MT Abdullah, LN Abdullah, A Azman, MR Mustaffa
Multimedia Tools and Applications 77 (13), 16131-16154, 2018
License plate localization using a Naïve Bayes classifier
AA Halin, NM Sharef, AH Jantan, LN Abdullah
2013 IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing …, 2013
The Morlet wavelet analysis for fatigue feature clustering
S Abdullah, TE Putra, MZ Nuawi, ZM Nopiah, A Arifin, L Abdullah
WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics 9 (5), 345-354, 2010
Information extraction from hypertext mark-up language web pages
M Shaker, H Ibrahim, A Mustapha, LN Abdullah
Journal of Computer Science 5 (8), 596, 2009
Durian species recognition system based on global shape representations and k-nearest neighbors
XY Nyon, MR Mustaffa, LN Abdullah, NA Nasharuddin
2018 Fourth International Conference on Information Retrieval and Knowledge …, 2018
Hidden markov model for content-based video retrieval
NA Lili
2009 Third Asia International Conference on Modelling & Simulation, 353-358, 2009
Durian recognition based on multiple features and linear discriminant analysis
MR Mustaffa, NX Yi, LN Abdullah, NA Nasharuddin
Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, 57-72, 2018
Artificial neural network-based texture classification using reduced multidirectional Gabor features
MW Ashour, F Khalid, LN Abdullah, AA Halin
International Review on Computers and Software 9 (6), 1007-1016, 2014
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