Kathleen McCullough
Kathleen McCullough
Dr. William T. Hold / The National Alliance Program in Risk Management and Insurance, Florida State
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The effect of data breaches on shareholder wealth
KM Gatzlaff, KA McCullough
Risk Management and Insurance Review 13 (1), 61-83, 2010
A reexamination of the corporate demand for reinsurance
CR Cole, KA McCullough
Journal of risk and Insurance 73 (1), 169-192, 2006
Internal capital markets and the partial adjustment of leverage
SG Fier, KA McCullough, JM Carson
Journal of Banking & Finance 37 (3), 1029-1039, 2013
Deciding whether to invest in mitigation measures: Evidence from Florida
JM Carson, KA McCullough, DM Pooser
Journal of Risk and Insurance 80 (2), 309-327, 2013
A test of the eclectic paradigm: Evidence from the US reinsurance market
CR Cole, RB Lee, KA McCullough
Journal of Risk and Insurance 74 (2), 493-522, 2007
Separation of ownership and management: Implications for risk‐taking behavior
CR Cole, E He, KA McCullough, DW Sommer
Risk Management and Insurance Review 14 (1), 49-71, 2011
An empirical examination of stakeholder groups as monitoring sources in corporate governance
CR Cole, E He, KA McCullough, A Semykina, DW Sommer
Journal of Risk and Insurance 78 (3), 703-730, 2011
Catastrophe insurance options: Are they zero-beta assets?
RE Hoyt, KA McCullough
Journal of Insurance Issues, 147-163, 1999
The insurance industry's talent gap and where we go from here
CR Cole, KA McCullough
Risk Management and Insurance Review 15 (1), 107-116, 2012
A comparison of hurricane loss models
CR Cole, DA Macpherson, KA McCullough
Journal of Insurance issues, 31-53, 2010
The impact of hurricane mitigation features and inspection information on house prices
D Gatzlaff, K McCullough, L Medders, CM Nyce
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 57, 566-591, 2018
Implications of privacy breaches for insurers.
KM Gatzlaff, KA McCullough
Journal of Insurance Regulation 31, 2012
The use of postloss financing of catastrophic risk
CR Cole, DA Macpherson, PF Maroney, KA McCullough, JW Newman, Jr, ...
Risk management and insurance review 14 (2), 265-298, 2011
Managerial Discretion and the Impact of Risk-Based Capital Requirements on Property-Liability Insurer Reserving Practices.
RE Hoyt, KA McCullough
Journal of Insurance Regulation 29 (2), 2010
The Uninsured Motorist Problem: An Investigation of the Impact of Enforcement and Penalty Severity on Compliance.
CR Cole, RE Dumm, KA McCullough
Journal of Insurance Regulation 19 (4), 2001
Consumer Choice in Auto Repair: The Politics and Economics of Automobile Insurance Repair Practices
LS Powell, KA McCullough, PF Maroney, CRC JD
National Assocciation of Mutual Insurance Companies, web, 2-24, 0
The Shocking Impact of Corporate Scandal on Directors' and Officers' Liability
NR Mansfield, JTA Gabel, KA McCullough, SG Fier
U. Miami Bus. L. Rev. 20, 211, 2011
Captive Domiciles: Trends and Recent Changes.
CR Cole, KA McCullough
Journal of Insurance Regulation 26 (4), 2008
The impact of asbestos and environmental reserves increases on shareholder wealth
LL Colquitt, RE Hoyt, KA McCullough
North American Actuarial Journal 10 (3), 17-31, 2006
Internationalization in the reinsurance industry: An analysis of the net financial position of US reinsurers
CR Cole, WL Ferguson, RB Lee, KA McCullough
Journal of Risk and Insurance 79 (4), 897-930, 2012
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