Mathematical principles of fuzzy logic V Novák, I Perfilieva, J Mockor Springer Science & Business Media, 2012 | 1888 | 2012 |
Fuzzy sets and their applications V Novák (No Title), 1989 | 658 | 1989 |
On fuzzy type theory V Novák Fuzzy Sets and Systems 149 (2), 235-273, 2005 | 282 | 2005 |
On the syntactico-semantical completeness of first-order fuzzy logic. II. Main results V Novák Kybernetika 26 (2), 134-154, 1990 | 210 | 1990 |
A comprehensive theory of trichotomous evaluative linguistic expressions V Novák Fuzzy sets and systems 159 (22), 2939-2969, 2008 | 198 | 2008 |
Fuzzy transform in the analysis of data I Perfilieva, V Novák, A Dvořák International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 48 (1), 36-46, 2008 | 168 | 2008 |
A formal theory of intermediate quantifiers V Novák Fuzzy Sets and Systems 159 (10), 1229-1246, 2008 | 161 | 2008 |
EQ-algebras V Novák, B De Baets Fuzzy sets and systems 160 (20), 2956-2978, 2009 | 160 | 2009 |
First-order fuzzy logic V Novák Studia logica 46, 87-109, 1987 | 154 | 1987 |
Insight Into Fuzzy Modeling V Novák, I Perfilieva, A Dvořák John Wiley & Sons, 2016 | 148 | 2016 |
Logical structure of fuzzy IF-THEN rules V Novák, S Lehmke FUZZY sets and systems 157 (15), 2003-2029, 2006 | 147 | 2006 |
Fuzzy množiny a jejich aplikace V Novák Státní nakladatelství technické literatury, 1990 | 143 | 1990 |
Which logic is the real fuzzy logic? V Novák Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157 (5), 635-641, 2006 | 119 | 2006 |
Analysis of seasonal time series using fuzzy approach V Novák, M Štěpnička, A Dvořák, I Perfilieva, V Pavliska, L Vavříčková International Journal of General Systems 39 (3), 305-328, 2010 | 116 | 2010 |
Základy fuzzy modelování V Novák BEN-technická literatura, 2000 | 108 | 2000 |
Are fuzzy sets a reasonable tool for modeling vague phenomena? V Novák Fuzzy Sets and Systems 156 (3), 341-348, 2005 | 107 | 2005 |
The relation between inference and interpolation in the framework of fuzzy systems F Klawonna, V Novák Fuzzy sets and systems 81 (3), 331-354, 1996 | 102 | 1996 |
Perception-based logical deduction V Novák Computational Intelligence, Theory and Applications: International …, 2005 | 101 | 2005 |
A formal theory of generalized intermediate syllogisms P Murinová, V Novák Fuzzy Sets and Systems 186 (1), 47-80, 2012 | 99 | 2012 |
On the semantics of perception‐based fuzzy logic deduction V Novák, I Perfilieva International journal of intelligent systems 19 (11), 1007-1031, 2004 | 97 | 2004 |