Joao Batista Fogagnolo
Joao Batista Fogagnolo
School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Campinas
在 unicamp.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Effect of mechanical alloying on the morphology, microstructure and properties of aluminium matrix composite powders
JB Fogagnolo, F Velasco, MH Robert, JM Torralba
Materials Science and Engineering: A 342 (1-2), 131-143, 2003
Microstructure and mechanical behavior of porous Ti–6Al–4V parts obtained by selective laser melting
E Sallica-Leva, AL Jardini, JB Fogagnolo
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 26, 98-108, 2013
Ductility improvement due to martensite α′ decomposition in porous Ti–6Al–4V parts produced by selective laser melting for orthopedic implants
E Sallica-Leva, R Caram, AL Jardini, JB Fogagnolo
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 54, 149-158, 2016
Recycling of aluminium alloy and aluminium matrix composite chips by pressing and hot extrusion
JB Fogagnolo, EM Ruiz-Navas, MA Simón, MA Martinez
Journal of materials processing technology 143, 792-795, 2003
Mechanically alloyed AlN particle-reinforced Al-6061 matrix composites: Powder processing, consolidation and mechanical strength and hardness of the as-extruded materials
JB Fogagnolo, MH Robert, JM Torralba
Materials Science and Engineering: A 426 (1-2), 85-94, 2006
The effects of mechanical alloying on the compressibility of aluminium matrix composite powder
JB Fogagnolo, EM Ruiz-Navas, MH Robert, JM Torralba
Materials Science and Engineering: A 355 (1-2), 50-55, 2003
One step production of aluminium matrix composite powders by mechanical alloying
EM Ruiz-Navas, JB Fogagnolo, F Velasco, JM Ruiz-Prieto, L Froyen
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 37 (11), 2114-2120, 2006
6061 Al reinforced with silicon nitride particles processed by mechanical milling
JB Fogagnolo, EM Ruiz-Navas, MH Robert, JM Torralba
Scripta Materialia 47 (4), 243-248, 2002
6061 Al reinforced with zirconium diboride particles processed by conventional powder metallurgy and mechanical alloying
JB Fogagnolo, MH Robert, EM Ruiz-Navas, JM Torralba
Journal of Materials Science 39, 127-132, 2004
Mechanically milled AA6061/(Ti3Al) P MMC reinforced with intermetallics–the structure and properties
M Adamiak, JB Fogagnolo, EM Ruiz-Navas, LA Dobrzañski, JM Torralba
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 155, 2002-2006, 2004
Solid solution in Al–4.5 wt% Cu produced by mechanical alloying
JB Fogagnolo, D Amador, EM Ruiz-Navas, JM Torralba
Materials Science and Engineering: A 433 (1-2), 45-49, 2006
Consolidation of partially amorphous aluminium-alloy powders by severe plastic deformation
WJ Botta Filho, JB Fogagnolo, CAD Rodrigues, CS Kiminami, C Bolfarini, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 375, 936-941, 2004
Processing of Al matrix composites reinforced with Al–Ni compounds and Al2O3 by reactive milling and reactive sintering
JB Fogagnolo, E Pallone, DR Martin, CS Kiminami, C Bolfarini, WJ Botta
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 471 (1-2), 448-452, 2009
Extrusion of mechanically milled composite powders
JB Fogagnolo, MH Robert, EM Ruiz-Navas, JM Torralba
Journal of materials science 37, 4603-4607, 2002
Ultrafine eutectic coatings from Fe-Nb-B powder using laser cladding
CM Caneda, JB Fogagnolo, CS Kiminami, CRM Afonso
Materials Characterization 160, 110080, 2020
Surface stiffness gradient in Ti parts obtained by laser surface alloying with Cu and Nb
JB Fogagnolo, AV Rodrigues, E Sallica-Leva, MSF Lima, R Caram
Surface and Coatings Technology 297, 34-42, 2016
A novel proposal to manipulate the properties of titanium parts by laser surface alloying
JB Fogagnolo, AV Rodrigues, MSF Lima, V Amigo, R Caram
Scripta Materialia 68 (7), 471-474, 2013
Aluminium matrix composites reinforced with Si3N4, AlN and ZrB2, produced by conventional powder metallurgy and mechanical alloying
JB Fogagnolo, MH Robert, F Velasco, JM Torralba
Kona Powder and Particle Journal 22, 143-150, 2004
The effects of mechanical alloying on the extrusion process of AA 6061 alloy reinforced with Si3N4
JB Fogagnolo, MH Robert, JM Torralba
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 25 …, 2003
Estudo do processo de fabricação de materiais compósitos de matriz de alumínio por metalurgia do pó, via moagem de alta energia e extrusão
JB Fogagnolo
João Batista Fogagnolo.–Campinas, SP:[sn], 2000
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