Stefan Rombach
Stefan Rombach
在 imtek.de 的电子邮件经过验证
Towards a navigation grade Si-MEMS gyroscope
S Koenig, S Rombach, W Gutmann, A Jaeckle, C Weber, M Ruf, D Grolle, ...
2019 DGON Inertial Sensors and Systems (ISS), 1-18, 2019
A 27 0.06 mm2 Background Resonance Frequency Tuning Circuit Based on Noise Observation for a 1.71 mW CT- MEMS Gyroscope Readout System With …
M Marx, D De Dorigo, S Nessler, S Rombach, Y Manoli
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 53 (1), 174-186, 2017
An Interface ASIC for MEMS Vibratory Gyroscopes With a Power of 1.6 mW, 92 dB DR and 0.007°/s/Noise Floor Over a 40 Hz Band
S Rombach, M Marx, S Nessler, D De Dorigo, M Maurer, Y Manoli
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 51 (8), 1915-1927, 2016
A digital interface for gyroscopes controlling the primary and secondary mode using bandpass sigma–delta modulation
T Northemann, M Maurer, S Rombach, A Buhmann, Y Manoli
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 162 (2), 388-393, 2010
A 141- W High-Voltage MEMS Gyroscope Drive Interface Circuit Based on Flying Capacitors
M Marx, S Rombach, S Nessler, D De Dorigo, Y Manoli
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 54 (2), 511-523, 2018
Drive and sense interface for gyroscopes based on bandpass sigma-delta modulators
T Northemann, M Maurer, S Rombach, A Buhmann, Y Manoli
Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems …, 2010
Q-enhancement of a low-power gm-C bandpass filter for closed-loop sensor readout applications
D De Dorigo, S Rombach, M Maurer, M Marx, S Nessler, Y Manoli
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 678-681, 2015
Low power closed-loop driving circuit for piezoelectric microscanners based on tuneable capacitive position sensors
S Rombach, M Marx, S Gu-Stoppel, Y Manoli
Procedia Engineering 120, 63-66, 2015
Modulated electro-mechanical continuous-time lowpass sigma-delta-modulator for micromachined gyroscopes
S Rombach, T Northemann, M Maurer, M Dienger, Y Manoli
2011 16th International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems …, 2011
µW 0.06 mm2 background resonance frequency tuning circuit based on noise observation for a 1.71 mW CT-Ar MEMS gyroscope readout system with 0.9◦/h bias instability
M Marx, D De Dorigo, S Nessler, S Rombach, YA Manoli
IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits 53, 174-186, 2018
A continuous-time collocated force-feedback and readout front-end for MEM gyroscopes
S Nessler, M Marx, M Maurer, S Rombach, Y Manoli
ESSCIRC Conference 2015-41st European Solid-State Circuits Conference …, 2015
Low power and highly precise closed-loop driving circuits for piezoelectric micromirrors with embedded capacitive position sensors
S Rombach, M Marx, S Gu-Stoppel, Y Manoli
MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems XV 9760, 140-150, 2016
Phase-locked drive loop with amplitude regulation based on phase-shifting for gyroscopes
T Northemann, M Maurer, S Rombach, Y Manoli
2011 16th International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems …, 2011
Resonance frequency control and digital correction for capacitive MEMS gyroscopes within electromechanical bandpass delta-sigma-modulators
M Maurer, S Rombach, Y Manoli
2018 IEEE International Symposium on Inertial Sensors and Systems (INERTIAL …, 2018
Continuous-time lowpass and bandpass ΔΣ-modulators for closed-loop readout circuits of capacitive MEMS gyroscopes
S Rombach, M Maurer, Y Manoli
2015 DGON Inertial Sensors and Systems Symposium (ISS), 1-18, 2015
Device for Measuring a Yaw Rate
S Rombach, T Northemann, M Maurer, M Dienger, Y Manoli
US Patent App. 13/990,583, 2014
Drive and compensation circuit for capacitive MEMs structures
S Rombach, M Marx, Y Manoli
US Patent 9,664,704, 2017
A configurable single axis Si-MEMS Gyro
S König, S Meier-Meybrunn, M Ruf, A Jäckle, J Pfeiffer, P Zeller, ...
2021 DGON Inertial Sensors and Systems (ISS), 1-14, 2021
Implementation of a Modulated Lowpass ΔΣ-Modulator for MEMS Gyroscopes with Low-Power Consumption and Low Sampling
S Rombach, M Maurer, D Wendler, Y Manoli
Procedia engineering 120, 832-835, 2015
MEMS Gyro Compassing: Is Symmetry the Key?
S Bange, A Jäckle, S König, U Löffelmann, M Marx, M Maurer, ...
2023 DGON Inertial Sensors and Systems (ISS), 1-20, 2023
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