Isaias Olivio Geraldi
Isaias Olivio Geraldi
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Isolation and characterization of soybean‐associated bacteria and their potential for plant growth promotion
J Kuklinsky‐Sobral, WL Araújo, R Mendes, IO Geraldi, ...
Environmental microbiology 6 (12), 1244-1251, 2004
Comparison of RAPD, RFLP, AFLP and SSR markers for diversity studies in tropical maize inbred lines
AAF Garcia, LL Benchimol, AMM Barbosa, IO Geraldi, CL Souza Jr, ...
Genetics and Molecular Biology 27, 579-588, 2004
Adapted models for the analysis of combining ability of varieties in partial diallel crosses.
IO Geraldi, JB Miranda-Filho
Establishing a soybean germplasm core collection
MF Oliveira, RL Nelson, IO Geraldi, CD Cruz, JFF de Toledo
Field Crops Research 119 (2-3), 277-289, 2010
Relationship of intra-and interpopulation tropical maize single cross hybrid performance and genetic distances computed from AFLP and SSR markers
AMM Barbosa, IO Geraldi, LL Benchimol, AAF Garcia, CL Souza, ...
Euphytica 130, 87-99, 2003
An adapted model for the analysis of partial diallel crosses.
JB Miranda-Filho, IO Geraldi
New resistance genes in the Zea mays: Exserohilum turcicum pathosystem
JB Ogliari, MA Guimarães, IO Geraldi, LEA Camargo
Genetics and Molecular Biology 28, 435-439, 2005
Estimates of genetic parameters for tassel characters in maize (Zea mays L.) and breeding perspectives.
IO Geraldi, JB Miranda Filho, R Vencovsky
Mapping of QTLs associated with biological nitrogen fixation traits in soybean
MA Santos, IO Geraldi, AAF Garcia, N Bortolatto, A Schiavon, M Hungria
Hereditas 150 (2‐3), 17-25, 2013
Genetic similarity among soybean (Glycine max (L) Merrill) cultivars released in Brazil using AFLP markers
ALV Bonato, ES Calvo, IO Geraldi, CAA Arias
Genetics and Molecular Biology 29, 692-704, 2006
Estimates of genetic parameters of wood traits for sawn timber production in Eucalyptus grandis
PET Santos, IO Geraldi, JN Garcia
Genetics and Molecular Biology 27, 567-573, 2004
Genetic and phenotypic parameter estimates for yield and fruit quality traits from a single wide cross in yellow passion fruit
MC de Moraes, IO Geraldi, F de Pina Matta, MLC Vieira
HortScience 40 (7), 1978-1981, 2005
Partial diallel analysis of agronomic characters in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
EA Torres, IO Geraldi
Genetics and Molecular Biology 30, 605-613, 2007
Anatomical study of somatic embryogenesis in Glycine max (L.) Merrill
JA Fernando, MLC Vieira, IO Geraldi, B Appezzato-da-Glória
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 45, 277-286, 2002
Comparison of three procedures for early generation testing of soybean
SK St. Martin, IO Geraldi
Crop science 42 (3), 705-709, 2002
Alternativas experimentais na avaliação de famílias em programas de melhoramento genético do feijoeiro
EA Souza, IO Geraldi, MAP RAMALHO
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 35, 1765-1771, 2000
Estimation and prediction of parameters and breeding values in soybean using REML/BLUP and least squares.
ADF Carvalho, R Pritsche Neto, IO Geraldi
Modelo não-linear aplicado ao estudo da interação de genótipos x ambientes em milho
LJ Chaves, R Vencovsky, IO Geraldi
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 24 (2), 259-768, 1989
Predicting performance of soybean populations using genetic distances estimated with RAPD markers
PAV Barroso, IO Geraldi, MLC Vieira, CE Pulcinelli, R Vencovsky, ...
Genetics and Molecular Biology 26, 343-348, 2003
Seleção recorrente no melhoramento de plantas
IO Geraldi
Anais, 1995
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