Ange Therese Akono
Ange Therese Akono
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Experimental determination of the fracture toughness via microscratch tests: Application to polymers, ceramics, and metals
AT Akono, NX Randall, FJ Ulm
Journal of Materials Research 27 (2), 485-493, 2012
Nano-chemo-mechanical signature of conventional oil-well cement systems: Effects of elevated temperature and curing time
KJ Krakowiak, JJ Thomas, S Musso, S James, AT Akono, FJ Ulm
Cement and concrete research 67, 103-121, 2015
Scratch test model for the determination of fracture toughness
AT Akono, FJ Ulm
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 78 (2), 334-342, 2011
Scratching as a fracture process: From butter to steel
AT Akono, PM Reis, FJ Ulm
Physical review letters 106 (20), 204302, 2011
An improved technique for characterizing the fracture toughness via scratch test experiments
AT Akono, FJ Ulm
Wear 313 (1-2), 117-124, 2014
Fracture scaling relations for scratch tests of axisymmetric shape
AT Akono, FJ Ulm
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 60 (3), 379-390, 2012
Influence of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on the hydration products of ordinary Portland cement paste
J Chen, AT Akono
Cement and Concrete Research 137, 106197, 2020
Microscopic fracture characterization of gas shale via scratch testing
AT Akono, P Kabir
Mechanics Research Communications 78, 86-92, 2016
Discussion: Strength-to-fracture scaling in scratching
AT Akono, FJ Ulm, ZP Bažant
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 119, 21-28, 2014
Geochemical and geomechanical alteration of siliciclastic reservoir rock by supercritical CO2-saturated brine formed during geological carbon sequestration
SJ Fuchs, DN Espinoza, CL Lopano, AT Akono, CJ Werth
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 88, 251-260, 2019
A review of geochemical–mechanical impacts in geological carbon storage reservoirs
AT Akono, JL Druhan, G Dávila, T Tsotsis, K Jessen, S Fuchs, D Crandall, ...
Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 9 (3), 474-504, 2019
Basic creep and fracture response of fine recycled aggregate concrete
AT Akono, J Chen, M Zhan, SP Shah
Construction and Building Materials 266, 121107, 2021
Friction and fracture characteristics of engineered crumb-rubber concrete at microscopic lengthscale
AT Akono, J Chen, S Kaewunruen
Construction and Building Materials 175, 735-745, 2018
Rate-independent fracture toughness of gray and black kerogen-rich shales
P Kabir, FJ Ulm, AT Akono
Acta Geotechnica 12, 1207-1227, 2017
Energetic size effect law at the microscopic scale: application to progressive-load scratch testing
AT Akono
Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics 6 (2), 04016001, 2016
Influence of pore structure on the strength behavior of particle-and fiber-reinforced metakaolin-based geopolymer composites
AT Akono, S Koric, WM Kriven
Cement and Concrete Composites 104, 103361, 2019
Nanostructure of calcium-silicate-hydrates in fine recycled aggregate concrete
AT Akono, M Zhan, J Chen, SP Shah
Cement and Concrete Composites 115, 103827, 2021
Microscopic assessment of bone toughness using scratch tests
A Kataruka, K Mendu, O Okeoghene, J Puthuvelil, AT Akono
Bone Reports 6, 17-25, 2017
Modeling -Induced Alterations in Mt. Simon Sandstone via Nanomechanics
AT Akono, P Kabir, Z Shi, S Fuchs, TT Tsotsis, K Jessen, CJ Werth
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 52, 1353-1375, 2019
Lattice discrete particle modeling of size effect in slab scratch tests
L Han, M Pathirage, AT Akono, G Cusatis
Journal of Applied Mechanics 88 (2), 021009, 2021
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