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Effects of preoperative oral melatonin medication on postoperative analgesia, sleep quality, and sedation in patients undergoing elective prostatectomy: a randomized clinical trial
H Borazan, S Tuncer, N Yalcin, A Erol, S Otelcioglu
Journal of anesthesia 24, 155-160, 2010
Effectiveness of the C-MAC video laryngoscope in the management of unexpected failed intubations
A Kilicaslan, A Topal, A Tavlan, A Erol, S Otelcioglu
Revista Brasileira de Anestesiologia 64, 62-65, 2014
Comparison of the C-MAC D-Blade, conventional C-MAC, and Macintosh laryngoscopes in simulated easy and difficult airways
A Kılıçaslan, A Topal, A Erol, ST Uzun
Turkish journal of anaesthesiology and reanimation 42 (4), 182, 2014
Pulsed radiofrequency in the treatment of coccygodynia
A Atim, A Ergin, S Bilgiç, S Deniz, E Kurt
Agri 23 (1), 1-6, 2011
Prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting after thyroidectomy: combined antiemetic treatment with dexamethasone and ginger versus dexamethasone alone
A Tavlan, S Tuncer, A Erol, R Reisli, G Aysolmaz, S Otelcioglu
Clinical Drug Investigation 26, 209-214, 2006
The effects of intravenous dexketoprofen on postoperative analgesia and morphine consumption in patients undergoing abdominal hysterectomy
S Tuncer, R Reisli, M Keçecioðlu, A Erol
Agri 22 (3), 98-102, 2010
The effects of sugammadex on progesterone levels in pregnant rats
T Et, A Topal, A Erol, A Tavlan, A Kılıçaslan, ST Uzun
Balkan medical journal 32 (2), 203-207, 2015
Auditory function after spinal anaesthesia: the effect of differently designed spinal needles
A Erol, A Topal, H Arbag, A Kilicaslan, R Reisli, S Otelcioglu
European Journal of Anaesthesiology| EJA 26 (5), 416-420, 2009
Caudal anesthesia for minor subumbilical pediatric surgery: a comparison of levobupivacaine alone and levobupivacaine plus sufentanil
A Erol, A Tavlan, S Tuncer, A Topal, M Yurtcu, R Reisli, S Otelcioglu
Journal of clinical anesthesia 20 (6), 442-446, 2008
The mechanisms of the direct vascular effects of fentanyl on isolated human saphenous veins in vitro
AS Şahin, A Duman, EK Atalik, CÖ Ögün, TK Şahin, A Erol, U Özergin
Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia 19 (2), 197-200, 2005
Differences in tip visibility and nerve block parameters between two echogenic needles during a simulation study with inexperienced anesthesia trainees
A Kilicaslan, A Topal, A Tavlan, A Erol, S Otelcioglu
Journal of anesthesia 28, 460-462, 2014
The effects of Preemtive Dexketoprofen use on postoperative pain relief and tramadol consumption
İ Kara, S Tuncer, A Erol, R Reisli
Agri 23 (1), 18-21, 2011
The effects of the administration of subfacial levobupivacaine infusion with the ON-Q pain pump system on postoperative analgesia and tramadol consumption in cesarean operations
S Tuncer, G Aysolmaz, R Reisli, A Erol, N Yalçın, A Yosunkaya
Agri 22 (2), 73-78, 2010
Effects of desflurane, sevoflurane and propofol on phagocytosis and respiratory burst activity of human polymorphonuclear leucocytes in bronchoalveolar lavage
A Erol, R Reisli, I Reisli, R Kara, S Otelcioglu
European Journal of Anaesthesiology| EJA 26 (2), 150-154, 2009
Addition of sufentanil to bupivacaine in caudal block effect on stress responses in children
A Erol, S Tuncer, A Tavlan, R Reisli, G Aysolmaz, S Otelcioglu
Pediatrics International 49 (6), 928-932, 2007
Determination of optimum time for intravenous cannulation after induction with sevoflurane and nitrous oxide in children premedicated with midazolam
A Kilicaslan, F Gök, A Erol, S Okesli, G Sarkilar, Ş Otelcioglu
Pediatric Anesthesia 24 (6), 620-624, 2014
Değişik yağlardan elde edilen biodizellerin karşılaştırlması
A Erol
The effect of environmental tobacco smoke on the dose requirements of rocuronium in children
R Reisli, S Apilliogullari, I Reisli, S Tuncer, A Erol, S Okesli
Pediatric Anesthesia 14 (3), 247-250, 2004
Cocuk Sucluluguna Ekolojik Bir Yaklasim: Cocuklarin Oturduklari Sehir Bolgeleri
IH Hanci, E Akçiçek, EO Aktas, G Batuk, H Coskunol, A Erol
Egitim Dergisi, Ege Universitesi Edebiyat Fakultesi Yayini 1, 185-190, 1996
Remifentanil-Sevofluran-Azotprotoksit Anestezisinde Propofol ve Tiyopenton'un Orta ve İleri Yaştakİ Kadınlarda Derlenmeye ve Erken Kognitif Fonksiyonlara Etkisi
ÖC Öğün, A Topal, A Duman, A Erol, S Ökeşli
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