Pedro L. Valls Pereira
Pedro L. Valls Pereira
Full Professor at São Paulo School of Economcis and Director of CEQEF at Fundação Getulio Vargas
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Small sample properties of GARCH estimates and persistence
S Hwang, PL Valls Pereira
The European Journal of Finance 12 (6-7), 473-494, 2006
Convergence clubs among Brazilian municipalities
E Andrade, M Laurini, R Madalozzo, PLV Pereira
Economics Letters 83 (2), 179-184, 2004
Income convergence clubs for Brazilian municipalities: a non-parametric analysis
M Laurini, E Andrade, PL Valls Pereira
Applied Economics 37 (18), 2099-2118, 2005
Evaluation of contagion or interdependence in the financial crises of Asia and Latin America, considering the macroeconomic fundamentals
EF Marçal, PL Valls Pereira, DML Martin, WT Nakamura
Applied Economics 43 (19), 2365-2379, 2011
How persistent is stock return volatility? an answer with markov regime switching stochastic volatility models
S Hwang, SE Satchell, PL Valls Pereira
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 34 (5‐6), 1002-1024, 2007
Analysis of contagion from the dynamic conditional correlation model with Markov Regime switching
PN Rotta, PL Valls Pereira
Applied Economics 48 (25), 2367-2382, 2016
APT e variáveis macroeconômicas: Um estudo empírico sobre o mercado acionário brasileiro
A Schor, M BONOMO, PLV Pereira
Finanças aplicadas ao Brasil 2, 2004
Testing the hypothesis of contagion using multivariate volatility models
EF Marçal, PL Valls Pereira
Available at SSRN 1373152, 2009
Paridade do poder de compra: Testando dados brasileiros
EF Marçal, PLV Pereira, OC Santos Filho
Revista Brasileira de Economia 57, 159-190, 2003
Alternative models to extract asset volatility: a comparative study
PLV Pereira, LK Hotta, LAR de Souza, NMCG de Almeida
Brazilian review of econometrics 19 (1), 57-109, 1999
Taxa de câmbio real e paridade de poder de compra no Brasil
PLV Pereira, M Holland
Revista Brasileira de Economia 53 (3), 259-285, 1999
A estrutura a termo das taxas de juros no brasil: Testando a hipótese de expectativas
EF Marçal, PLV Pereira
Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea), 2007
Co-integração: uma resenha com aplicações a séries brasileiras
PLV Pereira
Brazilian Review of Econometrics 8 (2), 7-29, 1988
The effects of structural breaks in ARCH and GARCH parameters on persistence of GARCH models
S Hwang, PL Valls Pereira
Communications in Statistics—Simulation and Computation 37 (3), 571-578, 2008
“Ombro-cabeça-ombro”: Testando a lucratividade do padrão gráfico de análise técnica no mercado de ações brasileiro
PG Boainain
Modeling and forecasting of realized volatility: evidence from Brazil
MVW Junior, PLV Pereira
Brazilian Review of Econometrics 31 (2), 315-337, 2011
Effect of outliers on forecasting temporally aggregated flow variables
LK Hotta, PLV Pereira, R Ota
Test 13, 371-402, 2004
Modeling Financial Contagion Using Copula
PLV Pereira, RP de Souza Santos
Brazilian Review of Finance 9 (3), 335-363, 2011
Closed form formula for the arbitrage free price of an option for the one day interfinancial deposits index
CA Viera Neto, PLV Pereira
Finance Lab Working Papers, 1999
Forecasting conditional covariance matrices in high-dimensional time series: a general dynamic factor approach
C Trucíos, JHG Mazzeu, M Hallin, LK Hotta, PL Valls Pereira, M Zevallos
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 41 (1), 40-52, 2023
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