Wind farms fault ride through using DFIG with new protection scheme KE Okedu, SM Muyeen, R Takahashi, J Tamura IEEE transactions on sustainable energy 3 (2), 242-254, 2012 | 294 | 2012 |
Optimization of renewable energy efficiency using HOMER KE Okedu, R Uhunmwangho International Journal of Renewable Energy Research 4 (2), 421-427, 2014 | 84 | 2014 |
Improvement of fault ride through capability of wind farms using DFIG considering SDBR KE Okedu, SM Muyeen, R Takahashi, J Tamura Proceedings of the 2011 14th European Conference on Power Electronics and …, 2011 | 51 | 2011 |
Renewable energy in Nigeria: The challenges and opportunities in mountainous and riverine regions KE Okedu, R Uhunmwangho, P Wopara International Journal of Renewable Energy Research 5 (1), 222-229, 2015 | 50 | 2015 |
Enhancing DFIG Wind Turbine during Three-phase Fault Using Parallel Interleaved Converters and Dynamic Resistor KE Okedu IET Renewable Power Generation 10 (6), 1211-1219, 2016 | 48 | 2016 |
Harnessing the potential of small hydro power in Cross River state of Southern Nigeria KE Okedu, R Uhunmwangho, M Odje Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 37, 100617, 2020 | 38 | 2020 |
Comparative study between two protection schemes for DFIG-based wind generator KE Okedu, SM Muyeen, R Takahashi, J Tamura 2010 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, 62-67, 2010 | 38 | 2010 |
Prospects of Solar Energy in Oman: case of oil and gas industries K Okedu, H Nadabi, A Aziz International Journal of Smart Grid-ijSmartGrid 3 (3), 138-151, 2019 | 36 | 2019 |
Assessment of the cost of various renewable energy systems to provide power for a small community: Case of Bukha, Oman KE Okedu, M Al-Hashmi International Journal of Smart Grid 2 (3), 172-182, 2018 | 34 | 2018 |
Comparative analysis of mini hydro turbines for Bumaji Stream, Boki, Cross River State, Nigeria KEO Roland Uhunmwangho, Mathias Odje Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 27, 102-108, 2018 | 34 | 2018 |
A Study of wind farm stabilization using DFIG or STATCOM considering grid requirements KE Okedu Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 3 (1), 200-209, 2010 | 33 | 2010 |
Participation of FACTS in stabilizing DFIG with crowbar during grid fault based on grid codes KE Okedu, SM Muyeen, R Takahashi, J Tamura 2011 IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition (GCC), 365-368, 2011 | 32 | 2011 |
Stabilization of wind farms by DFIG-based variable speed wind generators KE Okedu, SM Muyeen, R Takahashi, J Tamura 2010 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, 464-469, 2010 | 32 | 2010 |
Sustainable waste management strategies for effective energy utilization in Oman: A review KE Okedu, HF Barghash, HA Al Nadabi Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 10, 825728, 2022 | 28 | 2022 |
Application of SDBR with DFIG to augment wind farm fault ride through KE Okedu, SM Muyeen, R Takahashi, J Tamura 2011 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, 1-6, 2011 | 27 | 2011 |
Small Hydropower for Sustainable Development KEO R. Uhunwangho Pacific Journal of Science and Technology 10 (2), 535- 543, 2009 | 27 | 2009 |
Smart Grid Technologies in Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: Challenges and Opportunities KE Okedu, AL Salmani, Z Waleed International Journal of Smart Grid 3 (2), 92-102, 2019 | 26 | 2019 |
Enhancing the performance of DFIG variable speed wind turbine using a parallel integrated capacitor and modified modulated braking resistor KE Okedu IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 13 (15), 3378-3387, 2019 | 25 | 2019 |
Wind farm stabilization by using DFIG with current controlled voltage source converters taking grid codes into consideration KE Okedu, R Takahashi, J Tamura IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy 132 (3), 251-259, 2012 | 25 | 2012 |
Transfer learning networks with skip connections for classification of brain tumors S Alaraimi, KE Okedu, H Tianfield, R Holden, O Uthmani International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 31 (3), 1564-1582, 2021 | 24 | 2021 |