Essam Warrag
Essam Warrag
Professor of Forest Biology
Nodule culture of superior Eucalyptus grandis hybrids
DLR Warrag, E.I., M.S. Lesney
Plant cell reports 9 (10), 586-589, 1991
Micropropagation of field tested superior Eucalyptus grandis hybrids
DLR Warrag, E.I., M.S. Lesney
New Forests 4 (2), 67-79, 1990
Uses and conservation status of Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del. (Hegleig tree) in Sudan: local people perspective.
AA Elfeel, EI Warrag
Field performance of micropropagated, and seed- derived propagules of three Eucalyptus grand is ortets
EIW Rockwood, D.L.
Plant cell reports 13, 628 -631, 1994
Response of ethylene and chlorophyll in two eucalyptus clones during drought
EI Michelozzi, M., Johnson, J.D. and Warrag
New Forests 9 (3), 197 -204, 1995
Response of Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del. seedlings from varied geographical source to imposed drought stress
AA Elfeel, EI Warrag, HA Musnad
Discov. Innov 18 (4), 319-325, 2007
Effect of shade on seed germination and early seedling growth of Moringa oleifera Lam
LT Ahmed, EI Warrag, AY Abdelgadir
Journal of Forest Products & Industries 3 (1), 20-6, 2014
Examining the rainfall–topography relationship using non-stationary modelling technique in semi-arid Aseer region, Saudi Arabia
J Mallick, RK Singh, RA Khan, CK Singh, NB Kahla, EI Warrag, S Islam, ...
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 11, 1-16, 2018
Comparative greenhouse study of Eucalyptus grandis in vitro plantlets and half-sib seedlings, II. Dry matter accumulation and relative distribution
EI Warrag, MS Lesney, DL Rockwood
Plant cell reports 8, 500-503, 1989
Medicinal value and ecotaxonomy of the flora of Blue Nile State-Sudan
HH Gibreel, MAI Kordofani, EI Warrag, HO Ahmed
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 5 (2), 36-43, 2013
Comparative greenhouse study of Eucalyptus grandis in vitro plantlets and half-sib seedlings, I. Net photosynthesis
EI Warrag, MS Lesney, DL Rockwood
Plant cell reports 8, 497-499, 1989
Breaking seed coat dormancy of Acacia nilotica seeds under simulated natural habitat conditions in Sudan
EI Warrag, MA Eltigani
Tropical ecology 46 (1), 127, 2005
Forest genetic resources conservation in Sudan. 48-51.
AA Warrag, E.I., Elsheik, E.A. & Elfeel
Forest Genetic Resources 30, 48-51, 2002
Effect of seed origin and soil type on germination and growth of heglig tree (Balanites aegyptiaca (DEL.) L. var. aegyptiaca)
AA Elfeel, EI Warrag, HA Musnad
UOFK, 2009
Variation in morphological and chemical characteristics of fruits and seeds among eleven geographical sources of Balanites Aegyptiaca (L) Del.
EI Elfeel, A.A., and Warrag
Sudan Silva 12 (10), 29 - 40, 2006
Genetic improvement of Eucalyptus grandis for southern Florida
DL Rockwood, EE Warrag, K Javanshir, K Kratz
Proceedings 20th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference, 403-410, 1973
Status of dieback of Juniperus procera (African pencil cedar) in natural stands and plantation in Alsouda Highlands, Saudi Arabia.
EI Warrag, J Mallick, RK Singh, RA Khan
Applied Ecology & Environmental Research 17 (2), 2019
Genetic variation within and among five natural populations of endangered Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich) subsp. Birrea in Sudan
RM Abdelkheir, NB Hamza, AM Khalil, EI Warrag
African Journal of Biotechnology 10 (28), 5452-5460, 2011
Genetic Improvement of Eucalyptus amplifolia for Frost-Frequent Areas
DL Rockwood, NN Pathak, PC Satapathy, EE Warrag
Australian Forestry 54 (4), 212-218, 1991
Effect of spacing on performance of morus species
MTA Eltayb, EEI Warrag, AE Ahamed
Journal of Forest Products and Industries 2 (3), 13-23, 2013
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