Erdogan Dogdu
Erdogan Dogdu
Professor of Computer Science, Angelo State University
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Context-aware computing, learning, and big data in internet of things: a survey
OB Sezer, E Dogdu, AM Ozbayoglu
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (1), 1-27, 2017
Intrusion detection using big data and deep learning techniques
O Faker, E Dogdu
Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Southeast conference, 86-93, 2019
A deep neural-network based stock trading system based on evolutionary optimized technical analysis parameters
OB Sezer, M Ozbayoglu, E Dogdu
Procedia computer science 114, 473-480, 2017
A real-time autonomous highway accident detection model based on big data processing and computational intelligence
M Ozbayoglu, G Kucukayan, E Dogdu
2016 IEEE international conference on big data (Big Data), 1807-1813, 2016
Malware classification using deep learning methods
B Cakir, E Dogdu
Proceedings of the ACMSE 2018 Conference, 1-5, 2018
Error-constrained COUNT query evaluation in relational databases
WC Hou, G Ozsoyoglu, E Dogdu
ACM SIGMOD Record 20 (2), 278-287, 1991
Weather data analysis and sensor fault detection using an extended IoT framework with semantics, big data, and machine learning
AC Onal, OB Sezer, M Ozbayoglu, E Dogdu
2017 IEEE international conference on big data (Big Data), 2037-2046, 2017
An artificial neural network-based stock trading system using technical analysis and big data framework
OB Sezer, AM Ozbayoglu, E Dogdu
Proceedings of the ACM Southeast Conference, 223-226, 2017
Automatic Detection of Erythemato-Squamous Diseases Using k-Means Clustering
ED Übeyli, E Doğdu
Journal of medical systems 34, 179-184, 2010
Development of a smart home ontology and the implementation of a semantic sensor network simulator: An Internet of Things approach
OB Sezer, SZ Can, E Dogdu
2015 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS …, 2015
Named entity recognition and disambiguation using linked data and graph-based centrality scoring
S Hakimov, SA Oto, E Dogdu
Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on semantic web information …, 2012
Health Level-7 compliant clinical patient records system
JS Hooda, E Dogdu, R Sunderraman
Proceedings of the 2004 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 259-263, 2004
An extended iot framework with semantics, big data, and analytics
OB Sezer, E Dogdu, M Ozbayoglu, A Onal
2016 IEEE international conference on big data (big data), 1849-1856, 2016
Semantic question answering system over linked data using relational patterns
S Hakimov, H Tunc, M Akimaliev, E Dogdu
Proceedings of the Joint EDBT/ICDT 2013 Workshops, 83-88, 2013
SyD: A Middleware Testbed for Collaborative Applications over Small Heterogeneous Devices and Data Stores
SK Prasad, V Madisetti, SB Navathe, R Sunderraman, E Dogdu, ...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3231, 352-371, 2004
A survey on semantic web and big data technologies for social network analysis
S Kulcu, E Dogdu, AM Ozbayoglu
2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 1768-1777, 2016
Phishing e-mail detection by using deep learning algorithms.
R Hassanpour, E Dogdu, R Choupani, O Goker, N Nazli
ACM Southeast Regional Conference, 45:1, 2018
An ontology-based multi-agent virtual enterprise system (OMAVE): part 1: domain modelling and rule management
BL Sadigh, HO Unver, S Nikghadam, E Dogdu, AM Ozbayoglu, SE Kilic
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 30 (2-3), 320-343, 2017
Implementation of a calendar application based on SyD coordination links
SK Prasad, AG Bourgeois, E Dogdu, R Sunderraman, Y Pan, S Navathe, ...
Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2003. Proceedings …, 2003
Enforcing interdependencies and executing transactions atomically over autonomous mobile data stores using SyD link technology
SK Prasad, AG Bourgeois, E Dogdu, R Sunderraman, Y Pan, S Navathe, ...
23rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops …, 2003
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