Peter Lošonczi
Peter Lošonczi
University teacher, University of Security Management in Košice
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Economic security of the enterprise within the conditions of digital transformation
Y Samoilenko, I Britchenko, I Levchenko, P Lošonczi, O Bilichenko, ...
Economic Security of the Enterprise Within the Conditions of Digital …, 2022
Possibilities of Application of Geographic Information Systems to Security Education
M Blistanova, P Blistan, P Lošonczi
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 186, 744-748, 2015
The need for innovation of security education for strengthening the results of traditional teaching at universities
M Vackova, L Kovacova, M Kancirova, P Losonczi
Communications-Scientific Letters of the University of Zilina 18 (3), 93-97, 2016
Education and training of crisis management and civil protection workers in the Slovak Republic
L Kováčová, Š Kavan, M Mesároš, P Lošonczi
SGEM 2018 conference proceedings (5.4. Ecology, economics, education and …, 2018
Identification of regularities in the development of the baby economy as a component of the nanolevel of economic system
T Ostapenko, I Britchenko, P Lošonczi, S Matveiev
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 1 (13), 115, 2022
Comparision of Professional Preparation of Crisis Management in Slovak and Czech Republic
L Kováčová, P Lošonczi, J Reitšpís
19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2019 …, 2019
Makroekonómia pre bezpečnostný manažment
V Franko, P Lošonczi, Ľ Németh, S Strelcová
Multiprint, 2005
Inter-Territorial Collaboration in the Context of Strengthening Its Economic Security
O Hlazov, K Kalashnikova, V Zolotarov, I Levchenko, I Britchenko, ...
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 2021
Research of the intelligent resource security of the nanoeconomic development innovation paradigm
T Ostapenko, I Britchenko, P Lošonczi
Baltic Journal of Economic Studies 7 (5), 159-168, 2021
Cooperation Between The Rescue And Fire Brigade Corps And The Medical Rescue Service Representing A Basis For An Effective Integrated Rescue System In The Slovak Republic
J Drotárová, M Mesároš, P Lošonczi
Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters 34 (4), 365, 2021
Analysis of the main threats to the system of sustainable development and planning of the region in the context of ensuring the economic security of the state
P Lošonczi, I Britchenko, O Sokolovska
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 2022
The Security of the WI-FI Networks in University Environment In Dilemas contemporáneos–educación, política y valorep
P Lošonczi, M Vacková, P Nečas
Toluka: Asesoria and tutorias investigacion cientifica educacion, 2019. ISSN …, 2019
Air power as a security factor: case study Syria
P Nečas, M Vacková, P Lošonczi
Incas Bulletin 11 (1), 217-230, 2019
State Management Mechanisms for the Exchange of Information Regarding Cyberattacks, Cyber Incidents and Information Security Incidents
M Kryshtanovych, I Britchenko, P Lošonczi, T Baranovska, U Lukashevska
Comparison of preparation of selected target group in the field of fire protection in V4 countries
L Kováčová, J Drotárová, P Lošonczi
Annals of Burns and Fire Disasterp. Palermo: Euro-Mediterranean Council for …, 0
The notification of person and population warning in the floods as a security problem
M Vacková, P Lošonczi, P Havaj
SGEM 2019 conference proceedings (5.1. Ecology, economics, education and …, 2019
Importance of dealing with cybersecurity challenges and cybercrime in the senior population
P Losonczi
Security Dimensions. International and National Studies, 173-186, 2018
GALILEO-nový globálny družicový navigačný systém a jeho perspektívy pre bezpečnosť ľudského potenciálu
V Sedlák, M Mesároš, P Lošonczi, O Jamnický
Security Magazín, 23-27, 2008
Importance of dealing with cybersecurity challenges and cybercrime in the senior population
P Lošonczi
Security Dimensions 26, 173-186, 2018
The use of virtual reality resources to increase safety in the training of fire and rescue corps units
M Vacková, P Lošonczi, J Drotárová, L Kováčová
Security Dimensions: International & National Studies 27, 126-138, 2018
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