Jaichandar KS
Jaichandar KS
Singapore Polytechnic
Synthesizing reconfigurable foot traces using a Klann mechanism
JK Sheba, MR Elara, E Martínez-García, L Tan-Phuc
Robotica 35 (1), 189-205, 2017
Trajectory generation and stability analysis for reconfigurable klann mechanism based walking robot
J Kulandaidaasan Sheba, MR Elara, E Martínez-García, L Tan-Phuc
Robotics 5 (3), 13, 2016
A semi autonomous control and monitoring system for bed sores prevention.
JK Sheba, MR Elara, KS Kumar, A Chua
i-CREATe, 245-248, 2007
Intelli-sense bed patient movement sensing and anti-sweating system for bed sore prevention in a clinical environment
KS Jaichandar, EAM García
2011 8th International Conference on Information, Communications & Signal …, 2011
Easiness of acceptance metric for effective human robot interactions in therapeutic pet robots
JK Sheba, RE Mohan, EAM García
2012 7th ieee conference on industrial electronics and applications (iciea …, 2012
Design and evaluation of reconfigurable Klann mechanism based four legged walking robot
JK Sheba, E Martínez-García, MR Elara, L Tan-Phuc
2015 10th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal …, 2015
Development of rehabilitative multimodal interactive pet robot for elderly residents
JK Sheba, AA Salman, S Kumar, MR Elara, E Martínez-García
Procedia computer science 133, 401-408, 2018
Mobile robot adaptive trajectory control: Non-linear path model inverse transformation for model reference
OL Ramirez-Martinez, EA Martínez-Garcia, RE Mohan, JK Sheba
2014 13th International Conference on Control Automation Robotics & Vision …, 2014
4D unconstrained real-time face recognition using a commodity depth camera
F Schimbinschi, M Wiering, RE Mohan, JK Sheba
2012 7th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA …, 2012
LifeVision: Integrating heart rate sensing in lifelogging camera for accurate risk diagnosis for the elderly
ER Mohan, H Lee, KS Jaichandar, C Calderon
The 6th Intl. Convention on Rehabilitation Eng. and Assistive Tech, 2012
An intelligent FPGA based anti-sweating system for bed sore prevention in a clinical environment
KS Jaichandar, S Kumar, C KweeTiang, S Fong, S Tai
Applied Bionics and Biomechanics 8 (3-4), 361-365, 2011
Behavioral responses of nursing home residents to a robotic pet dog with a customizable interactive kit
JK Sheba, AA Salman, S Kumar, MR Elara, E Martínez-García
Procedia computer science 133, 409-416, 2018
Synchronization and stability analysis of quadruped based on reconfigurable Klann mechanism
JK Sheba, E Martínez-García, MR Elara, L Tan-Phuc
2014 13th International Conference on Control Automation Robotics & Vision …, 2014
Comparing Thermography, GSR and Hear Rate During Stimulated Therapeutic Pet Robot Interaction Among Elderly
J Kulandaidaasan, MR Elara, EAM García
Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems 8, 2012
Investigation of facial infrared thermography during interaction with therapeutic pet robot during cognitive training: A quantitative approach
KS Jaichandar, MR Elara, EAM García
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Rehabilitation …, 2012
An integrated approach to design and delivery of biomedical engineering course
L Hongli, JK Sheba, CT Eng
8th International CDIO Conference. http://www. cdio. org/files/document/file …, 2012
Kinematic design of an all-terrain autonomous holonomic rover
E Lerín, EA Martinez-Garcia, RE Mohan
Proceedings of the 8th international conference on intelligent unmanned …, 2012
Non Linear Fitting Methods for Machine Learning
EA Martínez-García, N Ávila Rodríguez, R Rodríguez-Jorge, ...
Advances on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing: Proceedings …, 2018
Telepresence by deploying an avatar robot with brain-robot interfacing
EA Martínez-García, E Gallegos, KS Jaichandar
2012 7th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA …, 2012
Near Infrared Therapy: A Non-invasive Device for Arteriovenous Fistula Patency in Dialysis Treatment
JK Sheba, S Tianyu, CZ Qiang
2024 International Conference on Image Processing and Robotics (ICIPRoB), 1-5, 2024
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