Anna Arestova
Anna Arestova
在 corp.nstu.ru 的电子邮件经过验证
The use of wind farms and virtual power plants for emergency control in the future smart super grids
A Arestova, Y Sidorkin
Proceedings of 2011 6th International Forum on Strategic Technology 1, 437-442, 2011
Integrating GIS technologies in hydro power plant cascade simulation model
A Khalyasmaa, S Eroshenko, A Arestova, S Mitrofanov, A Rusina, ...
E3S Web of Conferences 191, 02006, 2020
Application of Gramians method for Smart Grid investigations on the example of the Russky Island Power Network
A Grobovoy, V Shipilov, A Arestova, I Yadykin, V Afanasyev, A Iskakov, ...
2013 IREP Symposium Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control-IX Optimization …, 2013
SuperSmart grid for improving system stability at the example of a possible interconnection of ENTSO-E and IPS/UPS
A Arestova, U Häger, A Grobovoy, C Rehtanz
2011 IEEE Trondheim PowerTech, 1-8, 2011
Comparison of regression and neural network approaches to forecast daily power consumption
K Dmitri, A Maria, A Anna
2016 11th International Forum on Strategic Technology (IFOST), 247-250, 2016
Application of HVDC to the emergency control of the hybrid DC/AC ENTSO-E-IPS/UPS network interface
A Arestova, A Grobovoy, L Bizumic, R Cherkaoui, F Villella, U Häger
44th International Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems 2012, 2012
Comparison of Regression and Neural Network Approaches to Forecast Daily Power Consumption Kryukov
D Kryukov, M Agafonova, A Arestova
pada IFOST-2016: Power Engineering and Renewable Energy Technologies …, 2016
Assessment of energy storage effect into automatic reclosing in Smart Grid
O Gorte, N Kiryanova, M Khmelik, A Arestova, D Baluev, G Prankevich, ...
2015 5th International Youth Conference on Energy (IYCE), 1-7, 2015
Improving generators synchronization methods based on the multifunctional system implementation
VA Fyodorova, VF Kirichenko, GV Glazyrin, AY Arestova
2022 IEEE International Multi-Conference on Engineering, Computer and …, 2022
Energy Efficiency Improvement of Industrial Enterprise Based on Machine Learning Electricity Tariff Forecasting
P Matrenin, D Antonenkov, A Arestova
2021 XV International Scientific-Technical Conference on Actual Problems Of …, 2021
Development of a simulation model of HPPs chain operation
A Khalyasmaa, S Eroshenko, S Mitrofanov, A Rusina, A Arestova, ...
E3S Web of Conferences 191, 02004, 2020
Basics of evaluation methods of HPP resource usage during operation in IPS
AV Sidorova, AY Arestova, AG Rusina, TA Filippova
International Conference" Actual Issues of Mechanical Engineering" 2017 …, 2017
Simulation of transients in an autonomous power system considering the generator and transformer magnetic core saturation
G Glazyrin, N Mitrofanov, A Rusina, V Fyodorova, A Arestova
Energy Reports 9, 444-451, 2023
Analysis of rectification techniques and autonomous hybrid power plants potential for railway power supply systems
M Vilberger, A Arestova, P Matrenin, E Domakhin
Energy Reports 8, 957-966, 2022
Application of GIS Technologies to Improve the Efficiency of HPP Cascades Simulation Model
AY Arestova, SV Mitrofanov, AG Rusina, AA Kolesnikov
Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies 13 (6 …, 2020
Simulation model of cascaded HPPs in Pamir
SV Mitrofanov, AY Arestova, AG Rusina
Proc. of 13 International forum on strategic technology (IFOST 2018), 889-892, 2018
Microgrid operation under frequency control method
DV Armeev, AY Arestova, YA Abramova
Applied Mechanics and Materials 698, 716-721, 2015
Advanced forecast technique based on intellectual information Hub for Smart Grid
DV Armeev, AG Rusina, AY Arestova
8th International Forum on Strategic Technology 2013, IFOST 2013-Proceedings …, 2013
Advanced control of Hybrid HVAC/HVDC interconnection interface for the interconnected ENTSO-E-IPS/UPS systems
L Bizumic, R Cherkaoui, F Villella, A Arestova, A Grobovoy, U Häger
2011 2nd IEEE PES International Conference and Exhibition on Innovative …, 2011
The use of special tools for emergency control in the Russian far east power grid
E Kosterina, A Arestova, M Balabin, A Grobovoy, R Cherkaoui, ...
2008 Joint International Conference on Power System Technology and IEEE …, 2008
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