Computational Differential Equations CJ K Eriksson, D Estep, P Hansbo Cambridge University Press, 1996 | 1038 | 1996 |
Introduction to adaptive methods for differential equations K Eriksson, D Estep, P Hansbo, C Johnson Acta Numerica 4, 105-158, 1995 | 953 | 1995 |
Multiphysics simulations: Challenges and opportunities DE Keyes, LC McInnes, C Woodward, W Gropp, E Myra, M Pernice, J Bell, ... The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 27 (1 …, 2013 | 506 | 2013 |
A posteriori error bounds and global error control for approximation of ordinary differential equations D Estep SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 32 (1), 1-48, 1995 | 245 | 1995 |
Estimating the error of numerical solutions of systems of reaction-diffusion equations DJ Estep, MG Larson, RD Williams American Mathematical Soc., 2000 | 235 | 2000 |
Applied mathematics: Body and soul: Volume 1: Derivatives and geometry in IR3 K Eriksson, D Estep, C Johnson Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 | 200* | 2013 |
Global error control for the continuous Galerkin finite element method for ordinary differential equations D Estep, D French ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 28 (7), 815-852, 1994 | 110 | 1994 |
Viscoelastic effects during loading play an integral role in soft tissue mechanics KL Troyer, DJ Estep, CM Puttlitz Acta biomaterialia 8 (1), 234-243, 2012 | 84 | 2012 |
An a posteriori–a priori analysis of multiscale operator splitting D Estep, V Ginting, D Ropp, JN Shadid, S Tavener SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 46 (3), 1116-1146, 2008 | 75 | 2008 |
Generalized Green's functions and the effective domain of influence D Estep, M Holst, M Larson SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 26 (4), 1314-1339, 2005 | 73 | 2005 |
The discontinuous Galerkin method for semilinear parabolic problems D Estep, S Larsson ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 27 (1), 35-54, 1993 | 64 | 1993 |
A measure-theoretic computational method for inverse sensitivity problems I: Method and analysis J Breidt, T Butler, D Estep SIAM journal on numerical analysis 49 (5), 1836-1859, 2011 | 61 | 2011 |
A computational measure theoretic approach to inverse sensitivity problems II: A posteriori error analysis T Butler, D Estep, J Sandelin SIAM journal on numerical analysis 50 (1), 22-45, 2012 | 57 | 2012 |
Adaptive finite element methods for parabolic problems K Eriksson, C Johnson Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola/Goeteborgs Universitet. Department of Mathematics, 1988 | 55 | 1988 |
A measure-theoretic computational method for inverse sensitivity problems III: Multiple quantities of interest T Butler, D Estep, S Tavener, C Dawson, JJ Westerink SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 2 (1), 174-202, 2014 | 52 | 2014 |
A posteriori analysis and adaptive error control for multiscale operator decomposition solution of elliptic systems I: Triangular systems V Carey, D Estep, S Tavener SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 47 (1), 740-761, 2009 | 52 | 2009 |
Fast and reliable methods for determining the evolution of uncertain parameters in differential equations D Estep, D Neckels Journal of Computational Physics 213 (2), 530-556, 2006 | 51 | 2006 |
Scientific grand challenges: Crosscutting technologies for computing at the exascale D Brown, P Messina, D Keyes, J Morrison, R Lucas, J Shalf, P Beckman, ... US DOE PNNL 20168, 2-4, 2010 | 44 | 2010 |
A short course on duality, adjoint operators, Green’s functions, and a posteriori error analysis D Estep Lecture Notes, 2004 | 44 | 2004 |
Accounting for stability: a posteriori error estimates based on residuals and variational analysis D Estep, M Holst, D Mikulencak Communications in numerical methods in engineering 18 (1), 15-30, 2002 | 44 | 2002 |