The colonial origins of comparative development: An empirical investigation D Acemoglu, S Johnson, JA Robinson American economic review 91 (5), 1369-1401, 2001 | 18190 | 2001 |
Why nations fail: The origins of power, prosperity, and poverty D Acemoglu, JA Robinson Crown Currency, 2013 | 16794 | 2013 |
Institutions as a fundamental cause of long-run growth D Acemoglu, S Johnson, JA Robinson Handbook of economic growth 1, 385-472, 2005 | 9171 | 2005 |
Economic origins of dictatorship and democracy D Acemoglu, JA Robinson Cambridge University Press, 2006 | 8065 | 2006 |
Reversal of fortune: Geography and institutions in the making of the modern world income distribution D Acemoglu, S Johnson, JA Robinson The Quarterly journal of economics 117 (4), 1231-1294, 2002 | 6663 | 2002 |
Institutional causes, macroeconomic symptoms: volatility, crises and growth D Acemoglu, S Johnson, J Robinson, Y Thaicharoen Journal of monetary economics 50 (1), 49-123, 2003 | 2703 | 2003 |
The rise of Europe: Atlantic trade, institutional change, and economic growth D Acemoglu, S Johnson, J Robinson American economic review 95 (3), 546-579, 2005 | 2695 | 2005 |
Why did the West extend the franchise? Democracy, inequality, and growth in historical perspective D Acemoglu, JA Robinson The quarterly journal of economics 115 (4), 1167-1199, 2000 | 2617 | 2000 |
A theory of political transitions D Acemoglu, JA Robinson American Economic Review 91 (4), 938-963, 2001 | 2428 | 2001 |
Political foundations of the resource curse JA Robinson, R Torvik, T Verdier Journal of development Economics 79 (2), 447-468, 2006 | 2410 | 2006 |
Income and democracy D Acemoglu, S Johnson, JA Robinson, P Yared American economic review 98 (3), 808-842, 2008 | 2228 | 2008 |
Democracy does cause growth D Acemoglu, S Naidu, P Restrepo, JA Robinson Journal of political economy 127 (1), 47-100, 2019 | 2157 | 2019 |
Persistence of power, elites, and institutions D Acemoglu, JA Robinson American Economic Review 98 (1), 267-293, 2008 | 2084 | 2008 |
Por qué fracasan los países. Los orígenes del poder, la prosperidad y la pobreza D Acemoglu, JA Robinson Revista Austral de Ciencias Sociales 26 (8), 139-146, 2014 | 1603 | 2014 |
The role of institutions in growth and development D Acemoglu, J Robinson World Bank, 2008 | 1492 | 2008 |
Is child labor inefficient? JM Baland, JA Robinson Journal of political economy 108 (4), 663-679, 2000 | 1271 | 2000 |
Economic backwardness in political perspective D Acemoglu, JA Robinson American political science review 100 (1), 115-131, 2006 | 1217 | 2006 |
An african success story: Botswana D Acemoglu, S Johnson, JA Robinson Available at SSRN 304100, 2002 | 1161 | 2002 |
Why nations fail: The origins of power D Acemoglu, J Robinson Prosperity, and Poverty 2, 2012 | 1043 | 2012 |
The political economy of clientelism JA Robinson, T Verdier The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 115 (2), 260-291, 2013 | 976 | 2013 |