Viviana Barneche Naya
Viviana Barneche Naya
在 udc.es 的电子邮件经过验证
Metaversos formativos. Tecnologías y estudios de caso
V Barneche-Naya, RM López, LA Hernández-Ibáñez
Vivat Academia, 368-386, 2011
Evaluating user experience in joint activities between schools and museums in virtual worlds
V Barneche Naya, LA Hernández Ibáñez
Universal Access in the Information Society 14, 389-398, 2015
Learning and collaboration technologies: third international conference, LCT 2016, held as part of HCI International 2016, Toronto, ON, Canada, July 17-22, 2016, proceedings
P Zaphiris, A Ioannou
Springer, 2016
A comparative study of walkthrough paradigms for virtual environments using kinect based natural interaction
LA Hernández-Ibáñez, V Barneche-Naya, R Mihura-López
2016 22nd International Conference on Virtual System & Multimedia (VSMM), 1-7, 2016
A comparative study on user gestural inputs for navigation in NUI-based 3D virtual environments
V Barneche-Naya, LA Hernández-Ibañez
Universal Access in the Information Society 20 (3), 513-529, 2021
An augmented reality facility to run hybrid physical-numerical flood models
J Puertas, L Hernández-Ibáñez, L Cea, M Regueiro-Picallo, ...
Water 12 (11), 3290, 2020
Cyberarchitecture: A Vitruvian Approach
LA Ib'ñez, VB Naya
2012 International Conference on Cyberworlds, 283-289, 2012
Diseño de un sistema interactivo orientado al usuario del museo
R Mihura López, V Barneche Naya, LA Hernández Ibáñez
Servicio de publicaciones. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2013
Los sistemas multimedia digitales interactivos en los museos
R Mihura López, V Barneche Naya, LA Hernández Ibáñez
Joint spaces between schools and museums via virtual worlds: a case study
LA Hernández Ibáñez, V Barneche Naya
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM workshop on User experience in e-learning and …, 2012
Firmitas, Utilitas, Venustas..., Virtualitas. Vitruvius en Second Life.
LH Ibáñez, VB Naya
Revista del Centro de Investigación de la Universidad la Salle 8 (29), 19-24, 2008
Ux aspects of kinect-based movement schemes inside virtual environments for museum installations
V Barneche-Naya, LA Hernández-Ibáñez
Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Ubiquitous and Virtual Environments …, 2019
Assisted navigation and natural interaction for virtual archaeological heritage. Implementation of an attractor-based approach using a game engine
LA Hernández-Ibáñez, V Barneche-Naya
Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 16 (5), 43-51, 2016
Natural interaction and movement paradigms. A comparison of usability for a kinect enabled museum installation
LA Hernández-Ibáñez, V Barneche-Naya, R Mihura-López
Learning and Collaboration Technologies: Third International Conference, LCT …, 2016
Mundos virtuales como canal de comunicación entre escuelas y museos
LA Hernández Ibáñez, V Barneche Naya, R Mihura López
Servicio de publicaciones. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2012
Nuevas tecnologías en los museos: de la contemplación a la experiencia
LA Hernández-Ibáñez, R Mihura-López, V Barneche-Naya
¿ Cómo se cuelga un cuadro virtual?: las exposiciones en la era digital, 19-100, 2009
Assisted navigation for digital architectural walkthroughs in Natural User Interface-based installations
V Barneche-Naya, LA Hernández-Ibáñez
Universal Access in the Information Society, 1-15, 2023
An enhanced navigation kit for virtual heritage exploration using a game engine
LAH Ibáñez, VB Naya
2015 Digital Heritage 2, 755-756, 2015
Architectura ex Ludo: aplicación de tecnologías lúdicas digitales para la visualización interactiva de modelos de arquitectura
V Barneche-Naya
The Building as the Interface: Architectural Design for Education in Virtual Worlds
LA Hernández Ibáñez, V Barneche Naya
Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Systems and Applications: 5th …, 2013
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