Praveen Jakhar
Praveen Jakhar
Principal Scientist, ICAR- Central Institute for Women in Agriculture, Bhubaneswar
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Energy budgeting and carbon footprint of pearl millet–mustard cropping system under conventional and conservation agriculture in rainfed semi-arid agro-ecosystem
M Choudhary, KS Rana, RS Bana, PC Ghasal, GL Choudhary, P Jakhar, ...
Energy 141, 1052-1058, 2017
Soil erosion control and carbon sequestration in shifting cultivated degraded highlands of eastern India: performance of two contour hedgerow systems
M Partha Pratim Adhikary, H. C. Hombegowda, D. Barman, P. Jakhar
Agroforestry Systems 91 (4), 757-771, 2017
Land use and land cover dynamics with special emphasis on shifting cultivation in Eastern Ghats Highlands of India using remote sensing data and GIS
PP Adhikary, D Barman, M Madhu, CJ Dash, P Jakhar, HC Hombegowda, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 191, 1-15, 2019
Probability analysis of rainfall characteristics of Semiliguda in Koraput, Orissa
P Jakhar, HC Gowda, BS Naik, D Barman
Indian Journal of Soil Conservation 39 (1), 9-13, 2011
Changes in physico-chemical and biological properties of soil under conservation agriculture based pearl millet–mustard cropping system in rainfed semi-arid region
M Choudhary, KS Rana, MC Meena, RS Bana, P Jakhar, PC Ghasal, ...
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 65 (7), 911-927, 2019
Sole-or dual-crop basis residue mulching and Zn fertilization lead to improved productivity, rhizo-modulation and soil health in zero-tilled pigeonpea–wheat cropping system
A Kumar, KS Rana, AK Choudhary, RS Bana, VK Sharma, G Gupta, ...
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 22 (2), 1193-1214, 2022
Hedge row intercropping impact on run-off, soil erosion, carbon sequestration and millet yield
HC Hombegowda, PP Adhikary, P Jakhar, M Madhu, D Barman
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 116, 103-116, 2020
Effect of planting methods, biofertilizers and nitrogen levels on growth, yield and economics of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
P Jakhar, J Singh, RK Nanwal
Annals of Agricultural Research 26, 603-605, 2005
Prioritization of traditional tribal field crops based on RWUE in Koraput district of Odisha
PP Adhikary, M Madhu, CJ Dash, DC Sahoo, P Jakhar, BS Naik, ...
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2015
Multitier agroforestry system for integrated resource conservation on uplands of Eastern Ghats region in India
PRC P Jakhar, ADass, PP Adhikary, S Sudhishri, BS Naik, HC Hombegowda, M ...
Agroforestry Systems 91 (4), 697-712, 2017
Genotype× Environment interaction and stability analysis of kharif potato in koraput region of Odisha, India
J Maharana, C Panda, P Jakhar
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 6 (5 …, 2017
Moisture conservation practices in maize-mustard cropping system: Effects on productivity, water use and soil fertility
PPAJM Praveen Jakhar , K.S. Rana , Anchal Dass , Anil K. Choudhary , Mukesh ...
Indian Journal of Soil Conservation 45 (3), 288-295, 2017
Tillage and residue retention effect on crop and water productivity of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) under rainfed conditions
P Jakhar, KS Rana, A Dass, AK Choudhary, P Kumar, MC Meena, ...
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 88 (1), 47-53, 2018
Comprehensive impact assessment of resource conservation measures in watershed of eastern region of India
GBN M. Madhu, B.S. Naik, Praveen Jakhar, H.C. Hombe Gowda, Partha Pratim ...
Journal of Environmental Biology 37 (3), 391-398, 2015
Alley cropping agroforestry system for improvement of soil health
HC Hombegowda, PP Adhikary, P Jakhar, M Madhu
Soil Health and Environmental Sustainability: Application of Geospatial …, 2022
Resource conservation practices in Maize-mustard cropping system: Impact on energy, soil carbon and nutrient dynamics
PPAJRM Praveen Jakhar, K.S.Rana, A. Dass, A.K. Choudhary, Mukesh Choudhary
Journal of Environmental Biology 39 (3), 440-46, 2018
Finger millet-groundnut strip cropping for enhanced productivity and resource conservation in upland of Eastern Ghats of Odisha
P Jakhar, PP Adhikary, BS Naik, M Madhu
Indian J. Agron 60 (3), 365-371, 2015
Finger millet (Eleusine coracana)-groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) strip cropping for enhanced productivity and resource conservation in uplands of Eastern Ghats of Odisha
P Jakhar, PP Adhikary, BS Naik, M Madhu
Indian Journal of Agronomy 60 (3), 365-371, 2015
Appraisal of the erosion status in the eastern coastal region of India
BS Naik, RK Panda, P Jakhar, A Dass, M Madhu
Indian Journal of Soil Conservation 41 (2), 121-126, 2013
Integrated isotopic and hydrochemical approach to identify and evaluate the source and extend of groundwater pollution in West Delhi, India
PP Adhikary, H Chandrasekharan, CJ Dash, P Jakhar
Indian Journal of Soil Conservation 42 (1), 17-28, 2014
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