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Effect of Ferula elaeochytris root extract on smooth muscle contraction of vas deferens gland in rat
OO Cimentepe, C Gocmen, N Eser, HS Buyuknacar, M Cimentepe
Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 21 (7), 1499-1505, 2022
强制性开放获取政策: Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
The Copper (I) Chelator Neocuproine Inhibits Mouse Bladder Function, but not the Copper (II) Chelator Cuprizone
N Eser, HS Büyüknacar, E Kumcu, C Göçmen
Osmangazi Medical Journal 43 (5), 439-447, 2021
强制性开放获取政策: Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey