M. Reza Bakhtiari
M. Reza Bakhtiari
在 physik.uni-hamburg.de 的电子邮件经过验证
Observation of a superradiant mott insulator in the dicke-hubbard model
J Klinder, H Keßler, MR Bakhtiari, M Thorwart, A Hemmerich
Physical review letters 115 (23), 230403, 2015
Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov pairing in one-dimensional optical lattices
M Rizzi, M Polini, MA Cazalilla, MR Bakhtiari, MP Tosi, R Fazio
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (24), 245105, 2008
Nonequilibrium phase transition of interacting bosons in an intra-cavity optical lattice
MR Bakhtiari, A Hemmerich, H Ritsch, M Thorwart
Physical review letters 114 (12), 123601, 2015
FFLO state in 1-, 2-and 3-dimensional optical lattices combined with a non-uniform background potential
TK Koponen, T Paananen, JP Martikainen, MR Bakhtiari, P Törmä
New Journal of Physics 10 (4), 045014, 2008
Spectral Signatures of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov Order Parameter<? format?> in One-Dimensional Optical Lattices
MR Bakhtiari, MJ Leskinen, P Törmä
Physical review letters 101 (12), 120404, 2008
Tunable anisotropic magnetism in trapped two-component Bose gases
Y Li, MR Bakhtiari, L He, W Hofstetter
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (14), 144411, 2011
Pomeranchuk effect and spin-gradient cooling of Bose-Bose mixtures in an optical lattice
Y Li, MR Bakhtiari, L He, W Hofstetter
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (2), 023624, 2012
Nonequilibrium Quantum Phase Transition in a Hybrid Atom-Optomechanical System
N Mann, MR Bakhtiari, A Pelster, M Thorwart
Physical Review Letters 120, 063605 (2018), 2018
Coherent transport in linear arrays of quantum dots: The effects of period doubling and of quasi-periodicity
MR Bakhtiari, P Vignolo, MP Tosi
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 28 (4), 385-392, 2005
Dynamical arrest of ultracold lattice fermions
B Schmidt, MR Bakhtiari, I Titvinidze, U Schneider, M Snoek, W Hofstetter
Physical Review Letters 110 (7), 075302, 2013
Phase behaviors of strongly correlated Fermi gases in one-dimensional confinements
SH Abedinpour, MR Bakhtiari, G Xianlong, M Polini, M Rizzi, MP Tosi
Laser physics 17, 162-168, 2007
Driven Bose-Hubbard model with a parametrically modulated harmonic trap
N Mann, MR Bakhtiari, F Massel, A Pelster, M Thorwart
Physical Review A 95 (4), 043604, 2017
Temperature and non-linear response of cantilever-type mechanical oscillators used in atomic force microscopes with interferometric detection
G Fläschner, K Ruschmeier, A Schwarz, MR Bakhtiari, M Thorwart, ...
Applied Physics Letters 106 (12), 2015
Theory of coherent transport by an ultra-cold atomic Fermi gas through linear arrays of potential wells
MR Bakhtiari, P Vignolo, MP Tosi
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 33 (1), 223-229, 2006
Bakhtiari, Leskinen, and Törmä Reply
MR Bakhtiari, MJ Leskinen, P Törmä
Physical Review Letters 102 (16), 168902, 2009
A method of calculation for the determinant of the Potts model transfer matrix
B Mirza, MR Bakhtiari
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 343, 311-316, 2004
Nonequilibrium Dicke Quantum Phase Transition of an Ultracold Gas in an Optical Cavity
MR Bakhtiari, A Hemmerich, H Ritsch, M Thorwart
gas], 2014
Comment on" Spectral Signatures of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov Order Parameter in One-Dimensional Optical Lattices''Bakhtiari, Leskinen, and Torma Reply
MR Bakhtiari, MJ Leskinen, P Törmä
Physical Review Letters 102 (16), 168902, 2009
Bakhtiari, Leskinen, and Torma Reply-Comment on" Spectral Signatures of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov Order Parameter in One-Dimensional Optical Lattices"
MR Bakhtiari, MJ Leskinen, P Torma
Physical Review Letters 103 (16), 168902, 2009
Quantum Gases in Quasi-one-dimensional Arrays
MR Bakhtiari
Quantum Gases in Quasi-One-Dimensional Arrays, by MR Bakhtiari. Berlin …, 2008
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