Zuria Mahmud
Zuria Mahmud
Department of Education and Community Welbeing, Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
在 ukm.edu.my 的电子邮件经过验证
Challenges for international students in Malaysia: Culture, climate and care
Z Mahmud, S Amat, S Rahman, NM Ishak
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 7, 289-293, 2010
Evaluation and psychometric status of the brief resilience scale in a sample of Malaysian international students
S Amat, M Subhan, WMW Jaafar, Z Mahmud, KSK Johari
Asian Social Science 10 (18), 2014
Hubungan antara ketegasan diri dan kepuasan hidup dalam kalangan pelajar institusi pengajian tinggi
S Amat, Z Mahmud
Emotional intelligence of Malaysian teachers: Implications on workplace productivity
NM Ishak, R Mustapha, Z Mahmud, SR Ariffin
International Journal of Vocational Education and Training 14 (2), 8-24, 2006
Bimbingan dan kaunseling sekolah
A Salleh, Z Mahmud, S Amat
Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 2009
Cognitive distortion, depression and self-esteem among adolescents rape victims
S Abdullah, A Salleh, Z Mahmud, J Ahmad, SA Ghani
World Applied Sciences Journal 14 (4), 67-73, 2011
The relationship of teacher’s immediacy to student motivation and student learning: A literature analysis
Z Mahmud, M Yaacob
Jurnal Pendidikan 32, 91-101, 2007
From monocultural to multicultural: Adaptation of Iranian immigrant adolescents in Malaysia
K Arbabi, CJ Yeh, Z Mahmud, A Salleh
Journal of Adolescent Research 32 (3), 371-402, 2017
Permasalahan pelajar-pelajar fakir miskin di daerah Sabak Bernam
AH Tamuri, Z Mahmud, S Bari
Jurnal Pendidikan Malaysia 30, 21-33, 2005
Kepintaran emosi di kalangan pekerja di Malaysia
MI Noriah, Z Mahmud
Prosiding IRPA-RMK-8 Kategori EAR 1, 184-187, 2003
Peranan bapa dalam pembangunan sahsiah remaja dan implikasinya terhadap nilai kekeluargaan
A Salleh, Z Aziz, Z Mahmud, AA Mahyuddin
Jurnal Pendidikan Malaysia 35 (2), 9-17, 2010
Pendekatan kaunseling menangani masalah kebebasan dalam kalangan pelajar institut pengajian tinggi: dua kajian kes
Z Abu, Z Mahmud, S Amat
Jurnal Pendidikan Malaysia (Malaysian Journal of Education) 33, 107-123, 2008
A structured career intervention program for academically challenged students
A Salleh, SMS Abdullah, Z Mahmud, S Ghavifekr, N Ishak
Asia Pacific Education Review 14, 209-219, 2013
Kecerdasan Emosi dan Komitmen Pekerjaandalam Kalangan Pensyarah Universiti di Indonesia (Emotional Quotient and Work Commitment AmongLecturers at An Indonesian University)
I Iskandar, RM Majzub, Z Mahmud
Jurnal Pendidikan (UKM) 34 (1), 173-186, 2009
Bimbingan dan Konseling sekolah
A Salleh, Z Mahmud, S Amat
Malaysia: Persatuan Penerbit Buku Malaysia. h 128, 2006
Effects of FLEP on self-motivation and aspiration to learn among low-achieving students: An experimental study across gender
NM Ishak, MM Yunus, SA Rahman, Z Mahmud
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 7, 122-129, 2010
Indeks dan profil kecerdasan emosi pelajar sekolah menengah
S Rahman, NM Ishak, Z Mahmud, R Amir
Sains Humanika 48 (1), 2008
Family Communication. Sibling Position and Adolescents’ Sense of Responsibility
Z Mahmud, H Ibrahim, S Amat, A Salleh
World Applied Sciences Journal 14, 74-80, 2011
Moral value inventory for muslim adolescents
S Abdullah, A Salleh, Z Mahmud, SA Ghani
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 7, 106-112, 2010
The patterns of reality therapy usage among Malaysian counselors
AJ Jusoh, Z Mahmud, NM Ishak
International Journal of Reality Therapy 28 (1), 5-14, 2008
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