Milos Milovanovic
Milos Milovanovic
University of Belgrade
在 mmklab.org 的电子邮件经过验证
Using data mining on student behavior and cognitive style data for improving e-learning systems: a case study
M Jovanovic, M Vukicevic, M Milovanovic, M Minovic
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 5 (3), 597-610, 2012
Visualisation of student learning model in serious games
M Minović, M Milovanović, U Šošević, MÁC González
Computers in Human Behavior 47, 98-107, 2015
Motivational aspects of different learning contexts:“My mom won’t let me play this game…”
I Kovačević, M Minović, M Milovanović, POE De Pablos, D Starčević
Computers in Human Behavior 29 (2), 354-363, 2013
Usability issues of e-learning systems: Case-study for Moodle learning management system
M Minović, V Štavljanin, M Milovanović, D Starčević
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2008 Workshops: OTM …, 2008
Walking in colors: human gait recognition using kinect and cbir
M Milovanovic, M Minovic, D Starcevic
IEEE MultiMedia 20 (4), 28-36, 2013
Semantic technologies on the mission: Preventing corruption in public procurement
M Miroslav, M Miloš, Š Velimir, D Božo, L Đorđe
Computers in industry 65 (5), 878-890, 2014
Wiki as a corporate learning tool: case study for software development company
M Milovanović, M Minović, V Štavljanin, M Savković, D Starčević
Behaviour & Information Technology 31 (8), 767-777, 2012
Real-time learning analytics in educational games
M Minović, M Milovanović
Proceedings of the first international conference on technological ecosystem …, 2013
Effectiveness of game-based learning: Influence of cognitive style
M Milovanović, M Minović, I Kovačević, J Minović, D Starčević
Best Practices for the Knowledge Society. Knowledge, Learning, Development …, 2009
Improvement of the interaction model aimed to reduce the negative effects of cybersickness in VR rehab applications
P Veličković, M Milovanović
Sensors 21 (2), 321, 2021
Cloud based metalearning system for predictive modeling of biomedical data
M Vukićević, S Radovanović, M Milovanović, M Minović
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 859279, 2014
Do micro-breaks increase the attention level of an assembly worker? An ERP study
P Mijović, V Ković, I Mačužić, P Todorović, B Jeremić, M Milovanović, ...
Procedia Manufacturing 3, 5074-5080, 2015
Modelling knowledge and game based learning: model driven approach
M Minović, M Milovanović, D Starčević
Journal of Universal Computer Science 17 (9), 1241-1260, 2011
Neuroergonomics method for measuring the influence of mental workload modulation on cognitive state of manual assembly worker
P Mijović, M Milovanović, V Ković, I Gligorijević, B Mijović, I Mačužić
Human Mental Workload: Models and Applications: First International …, 2017
New gait recognition method using Kinect stick figure and CBIR
M Milovanović, M Minović, D Starcević
2012 20th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 1323-1326, 2012
Adventure game learning platform
M Minovic, V Štavljanin, M Milovanovic, D Starcevic
Computer engineering: Concepts, methodologies, tools and applications, 1022-1032, 2012
A tool to aid institutions recognize their employees competences acquired by informal learning
FJ García-Peñalvo, V Zangrando, AG Holgado, MA Conde González, ...
European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, 552-555, 2013
Learning object repurposing for various multimedia platforms
M Minović, M Milovanović, D Starčević
Multimedia tools and applications 63, 927-946, 2013
Literature review in game-based learning
M Minović, M Milovanović, D Starcevic
Information Systems, E-learning, and Knowledge Management Research: 4th …, 2013
XML application for educative games
M Minović, M Milovanović, M Lazović, D Starčević
Proceedings of the European Conference on Games Based Learning, Barcelona …, 2008
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