SeongHo Park
Numerical investigation of laser-induced cavitation bubble dynamics near a rigid surface based on three-dimensional fully compressible model
SH Park, TH Phan, WG Park
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 191, 122853, 2022
Numerical study of dynamics of cavitation bubble collapse near oscillating walls
QT Nguyen, VT Nguyen, TH Phan, TN Duy, SH Park, WG Park
Physics of Fluids 35 (1), 2023
Numerical study of bubble dynamics near a solid wall with a gas-entrapping hole
TN Duy, VT Nguyen, TH Phan, QT Nguyen, SH Park, WG Park
Ocean Engineering 285, 115344, 2023
Numerical simulation of wall shear stress and boundary layer flow from jetting cavitation bubble on unheated and heated surfaces
SH Park, TH Phan, VT Nguyen, TN Duy, QT Nguyen, WG Park
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 222, 125189, 2024
Shock wave and temperature induced by bubble collapse and rebound: Numerical and experimental study
VT Nguyen, H Sagar, TH Phan, TN Duy, SH Park, QT Nguyen, O Moctar, ...
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2023
Numerical simulation of microbubble dynamics near a surface of urinary stone under an ultrasound field
TH Phan, VT Nguyen, TN Duy, QT Nguyen, SH Park, WG Park
한국전산유체공학회 학술대회논문집, 146-147, 2022
Effects of Oscillating Curved Wall on Behavior of Cavitation Bubble Collapse
QT Nguyen, VT Nguyen, HJ Sagar, TN Duy, TH Phan, D Han, SH Park, ...
Available at SSRN 4663096, 0
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