Ensemble based systems in decision making R Polikar
IEEE Circuits and systems magazine 6 (3), 21-45, 2006
3637 2006 Ensemble learning R Polikar
Ensemble machine learning: Methods and applications, 1-34, 2012
1210 2012 Learn++: An incremental learning algorithm for supervised neural networks R Polikar, L Upda, SS Upda, V Honavar
IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics, part C (applications and …, 2001
1189 2001 Incremental learning of concept drift in nonstationary environments R Elwell, R Polikar
IEEE transactions on neural networks 22 (10), 1517-1531, 2011
1058 2011 Learning in nonstationary environments: A survey G Ditzler, M Roveri, C Alippi, R Polikar
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine 10 (4), 12-25, 2015
863 2015 The wavelet tutorial R Polikar
822 1996 Incremental learning of concept drift from streaming imbalanced data G Ditzler, R Polikar
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 25 (10), 2283-2301, 2012
415 2012 Learning from streaming data with concept drift and imbalance: an overview TR Hoens, R Polikar, NV Chawla
Progress in Artificial Intelligence 1, 89-101, 2012
377 2012 Learn .NC: Combining Ensemble of Classifiers With Dynamically Weighted Consult-and-Vote for Efficient Incremental Learning of New Classes MD Muhlbaier, A Topalis, R Polikar
IEEE transactions on neural networks 20 (1), 152-168, 2008
271 2008 The story of wavelets R Polikar
Physics and modern topics in mechanical and electrical engineering, 192-197, 1999
212 1999 COMPOSE: A Semisupervised Learning Framework for Initially Labeled Nonstationary Streaming Data KB Dyer, R Capo, R Polikar
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 25 (1), 12-26, 2014
195 2014 Bootstrap-inspired techniques in computation intelligence R Polikar
IEEE signal processing magazine 24 (4), 59-72, 2007
186 2007 Hellinger distance based drift detection for nonstationary environments G Ditzler, R Polikar
2011 IEEE symposium on computational intelligence in dynamic and uncertain …, 2011
164 2011 Machine learning in transportation data analytics P Bhavsar, I Safro, N Bouaynaya, R Polikar, D Dera
Data analytics for intelligent transportation systems, 283-307, 2017
157 2017 An ensemble-based incremental learning approach to data fusion D Parikh, R Polikar
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 37 …, 2007
154 2007 Frequency invariant classification of ultrasonic weld inspection signals R Polikar, L Udpa, SS Udpa, T Taylor
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 45 …, 1998
136 1998 Metagenome fragment classification using N-mer frequency profiles G Rosen, E Garbarine, D Caseiro, R Polikar, B Sokhansanj
Advances in bioinformatics 2008, 2008
134 2008 The engineer's ultimate guide to wavelet analysis-the wavelet tutorial R Polikar
available at http://www. public. iastate. edu/~ rpolikar/WAVELETS/WTtutorial …, 1996
126 1996 An architecture for intelligent systems based on smart sensors J Schmalzel, F Figueroa, J Morris, S Mandayam, R Polikar
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 54 (4), 1612-1616, 2005
108 2005 Analysis of complexity based EEG features for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease T Staudinger, R Polikar
2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2011
104 2011