Jaebeom Suh
Jaebeom Suh
Associate Professor, Kansas State University
在 ksu.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Transaction‐specific satisfaction and overall satisfaction: an empirical analysis
MA Jones, J Suh
Journal of services Marketing 14 (2), 147-159, 2000
Organizational citizenship behaviors and service quality as external effectiveness of contact employees
MH Yoon, J Suh
Journal of business research 56 (8), 597-611, 2003
The effect of work climate on critical employee and customer outcomes: an employee‐level analysis
M Hee Yoon, SE Beatty, J Suh
International Journal of Service Industry Management 12 (5), 500-521, 2001
Differential effects of preferential treatment levels on relational outcomes
R Lacey, J Suh, RM Morgan
Journal of service research 9 (3), 241-256, 2007
Environmental influences in corporate brand identification and outcomes
DT Donavan, S Janda, J Suh
Journal of Brand management 14 (1), 125-136, 2006
Salient effects of publicity in advertised brand recall and recognition: The list-strength paradigm
HS Jin, J Suh, DT Donavan
Journal of Advertising 37 (1), 45-57, 2008
Exploring the role of culture in trust development with service providers
J Suh, S Janda, S Seo
Journal of Services Marketing 20 (4), 265-273, 2006
Benevolence in the importer‐exporter relationship: Moderating role of value similarity and cultural familiarity
DJ Lee, M Lee, J Suh
International Marketing Review 24 (6), 657-677, 2007
How CSR impact meaning of work and dysfunctional customer behavior
J Kim, HR Kim, R Lacey, J Suh
Journal of Service Theory and Practice 28 (4), 507-523, 2018
How CSR serves as a preventive mechanism for coping with dysfunctional customer behavior
J Kim, R Lacey, HR Kim, J Suh
Service Business 13 (4), 671-694, 2019
Impairment effects of creative ads on brand recall for other ads
HS Jin, G Kerr, J Suh
European Journal of Marketing 53 (7), 1466-1483, 2019
The effect of work climate on critical employee and customer outcomes. An employee-level analysis
HY Mahn, EB Sharon, S Jaebeom
International Journal of Service Industry Management 12 (5), 500-521, 2001
Ego depletion and charitable support: the moderating role of self-benefit and other-benefit charitable appeals
HS Jin, HJ Kim, J Suh, B Sheehan, R Meeds
Journal of Advertising 50 (4), 479-493, 2021
Brand recall in the advergaming environment: a cross-country comparison
M Hernandez, J Suh, SM Minor, S Chapa, J Salas
Advertising, Promotion and the New Media, 298-319, 2005
The power of creative advertising: creative ads impair recall and attitudes toward other ads
HS Jin, G Kerr, J Suh, HJ Kim, B Sheehan
International Journal of Advertising 41 (8), 1521-1540, 2022
Brand memory in the advergaming context: A cross-script comparison of bilingual consumers
MD Hernandez, J Suh, MS Minor
American Academy of Advertising. Conference. Proceedings, 129, 2005
Chinese tourist shopping satisfaction and brand attitude to Korean cosmetics: a disconfirmation approach
JH Yoon, J Suh, JG Kim
유통과학연구 15 (10), 51-63, 2017
How do people from different cultures develop trust in service providers?
J Suh, MH Yoon
American Marketing Association. Conference Proceedings 10, 18, 1999
Reinforcement learning and risk preference in equity linked notes markets
R Song, S Jang, Y Wang, DM Hanssens, J Suh
Journal of Empirical Finance 64, 224-246, 2021
Organizational citizenship behaviors and service quality as: external effectiveness of contact employees
MH Yoon, J Suh
Quality control and applied statistics 49 (2), 209-212, 2004
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