Prof. Oyesoji Aremu, cf., fspsp, FCASSON, MNAE
Prof. Oyesoji Aremu, cf., fspsp, FCASSON, MNAE
在 dlc.ui.edu.ng 的电子邮件经过验证
A multi-causal evaluation of academic performance of Nigerian learners: Issues and implications for national development
AO Aremu, BO Sokan
Journal of Educational Studies 1 (1), 1-7, 2003
Academic performance 5 factor inventory
AO Aremu
Ibadan: Stirling-Horden Publishers, 2000
A confluence of credentialing, career experience, self‐efficacy, emotional intelligence, and motivation on the career commitment of young police in Ibadan, Nigeria
A Oyesoji Aremu
Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management 28 (4 …, 2005
Job commitment, job satisfaction and gender as predictors of mentoring in the Nigeria Police
A Oyesoji Aremu, C Adeola Adeyoju
Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management 26 (3 …, 2003
Gender and birth order as predictors of normal pupil’s anxiety pattern in examination
AO Aremu, DA Oluwole
Ibadan Journal of Educational Studies 1 (1), 1-7, 2001
Career commitment among secondary school teachers in Oyo state, Nigeria. The Role of biographical mediators
DA Adeyemo, AO Aremu
Nigerian Journal of Applied Psychology 5 (2), 184-194, 1999
Influence of academic procrastination and personality types on academic achievement and efficacy of in-school adolescents in Ibadan
AO Aremu, TM Williams, F Adesina
IFE PsychologIA: An International Journal 19 (1), 93-113, 2011
A & Sokan, BO (2003)
O Aremu
A multi-causal evaluation of academic performance of Nigerian learners …, 2012
Relationship between problem-solving ability and study behaviour among school-going adolescents in southwestern Nigeria.
SO Salami, AO Aremu
Universidad de Almería, 2006
Assessment of emotional intelligence among Nigerian police
AO Aremu, TO Tejumola
Journal of social sciences 16 (3), 221-226, 2008
The moderating effect of emotional intelligence on the reduction of corruption in the Nigerian police
AO Aremu, F Pakes, L Johnston
Police Practice and Research: An International Journal 12 (3), 195-208, 2011
Relationship among emotional intelligence, parental involvement and academic achievement of secondary school students in Ibadan, Nigeria
OA Aremu, A Tella, A Tella
Essays in Education 18 (1), 18, 2006
Impact of home, school and government on primary school pupils’ academic performance
AO Aremu
The Exceptional Child 5 (1), 106-110, 2000
The relationship among predictors of child, family, school, society and the government and academic achievement of senior secondary school students in Ibadan, Nigeria
AO Adenike, AA Oyesoji
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 5, 842-849, 2010
Psychological and sociological determinants of academic achievement of Nigerian adolescents
AO Aremu
IFE PsychologIA: An International Journal 12 (2), 150-162, 2004
Impact of parent‐child relationship on the career development process of high school students in Ibadan, Nigeria
SO Salami, A Oyesoji Aremu
Career Development International 12 (7), 596-616, 2007
Rural infrastructure and profitability of food crop production in Oyo State, Nigeria.
SA Daud, AO Omotayo, AO Aremu, AB Omotoso
Applied Ecology & Environmental Research 16 (4), 2018
Understanding Nigerian police: Lessons from psychological research
O Aremu
Spectrum Books, 2009
Developmental and validation of academic performance 5-factor inventory
OA Aremu
Ibadan Journal of Educational Studies 1 (2), 321-334, 2001
Locus of control and self-efficacy as means of tackling police corruption in Nigeria
AO Aremu, F Pakes, L Johnston
International journal of police science & management 11 (1), 97-107, 2009
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