Nils M. Høgevold
Nils M. Høgevold
Professor of Marketing
在 kristiania.no 的电子邮件经过验证
Framing the triple bottom line approach: Direct and mediation effects between economic, social and environmental elements
G Svensson, C Ferro, N Høgevold, C Padin, JCS Varela, M Sarstedt
Journal of cleaner production 197, 972-991, 2018
A business sustainability model: a European case study
NM Høgevold, G Svensson
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 27 (2), 142-151, 2012
A corporate effort towards a sustainable business model: a case study from the Norwegian furniture industry
NM Høgevold
European Business Review 23 (4), 392-400, 2011
Sustainable business models: Corporate reasons, economic effects, social boundaries, environmental actions and organizational challenges in sustainable business practices
NM Høgevold, G Svensson, B Wagner, DJ Petzer, HB Klopper, ...
Baltic Journal of Management 9 (3), 357-380, 2014
A triple bottom line dominant logic for business sustainability: Framework and empirical findings
G Svensson, N Høgevold, C Ferro, JCS Varela, C Padin, B Wagner
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing 23 (2), 153-188, 2016
A triple bottom line construct and reasons for implementing sustainable business practices in companies and their business networks
NM Høgevold, G Svensson, HB Klopper, B Wagner, JCS Valera, C Padin, ...
Corporate Governance 15 (4), 427-443, 2015
Validating and expanding a framework of a triple bottom line dominant logic for business sustainability through time and across contexts
C Ferro, C Padin, N Høgevold, G Svensson, JC Sosa Varela
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 34 (1), 95-116, 2019
Developing a theory of focal company business sustainability efforts in connection with supply chain stakeholders
G Svensson, C Ferro, N Hogevold, C Padin, JC Sosa Varela
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 23 (1), 16-32, 2018
Validating a framework of stakeholders in connection to business sustainability efforts in supply chains
C Ferro, C Padin, G Svensson, JC Sosa Varela, B Wagner, NM Høgevold
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 32 (1), 124-137, 2017
Framing stakeholder considerations and business sustainability efforts: a construct, its dimensions and items
G Svensson, NM Høgevold, D Petzer, C Padin, C Ferro, HB Klopper, ...
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 31 (2), 287-300, 2016
A sustainable business model in services: an assessment and validation
NM Høgevold, G Svensson, C Padin
International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences 7 (1), 17-33, 2015
Validating a triple bottom line construct and reasons for implementing sustainable business practices in companies and their business networks
C Padin, C Ferro, B Wagner, JCS Valera, NM Høgevold, G Svensson
Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society 16 (5 …, 2016
Relationship quality—Relationship value and power balance in business relationships: Descriptives and propositions
T Mysen, G Svensson, N Högevold
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing 19 (3), 248-285, 2012
Trust and commitment as mediators between economic and non-economic satisfaction in business relationships: a sales perspective
N Høgevold, G Svensson, C Otero-Neira
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 35 (11), 1685-1700, 2020
Framing the development and directions of business sustainability efforts
NM Høgevold, G Svensson
Corporate Governance 16 (4), 709-725, 2016
The Effect of Attributes of Study Abroad and Risk Aversion on the Future Likelihood to Study Abroad: A Study of US and Norwegian Undergraduate Marketing Students.
JM Payan, G Svensson, NM Høgevold
Journal for Advancement of Marketing Education 20 (3), 2012
Organisational and environmental indicators of B2B sales performance
NM Høgevold, R Rodriguez, G Svensson, M Roberts-Lombard
Marketing Intelligence & Planning 40 (1), 33-56, 2022
Relative importance and priority of TBL elements on the corporate performance
NM Høgevold, G Svensson, R Rodriguez, D Eriksson
Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal 30 (3), 609-623, 2019
New aspects of research to assess and manage critical incidents in service encounters: teleological actions, interactive interface and perceptual gaps
C Padin, G Svensson, C Otero-Neira, N Høgevold
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 27 (1), 27-51, 2015
Opportunism and conflict as precursors of non-economic and economic satisfaction outcomes in seller–customer business relationships
N Høgevold, G Svensson, M Roberts-Lombard
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing 27 (4), 375-395, 2020
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