Bruce Link
Bruce Link
其他姓名Bruce G Link, B Link
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Conceptualizing stigma
BG Link, JC Phelan
Annual review of Sociology 27 (1), 363-385, 2001
Social conditions as fundamental causes of disease
BG Link, J Phelan
Journal of health and social behavior, 80-94, 1995
A modified labeling theory approach to mental disorders: An empirical assessment
BG Link, FT Cullen, E Struening, PE Shrout, BP Dohrenwend
American sociological review, 400-423, 1989
Stigma as a fundamental cause of population health inequalities
ML Hatzenbuehler, JC Phelan, BG Link
American journal of public health 103 (5), 813-821, 2013
Public conceptions of mental illness: labels, causes, dangerousness, and social distance.
BG Link, JC Phelan, M Bresnahan, A Stueve, BA Pescosolido
American journal of public health 89 (9), 1328-1333, 1999
Social conditions as fundamental causes of health inequalities: theory, evidence, and policy implications
JC Phelan, BG Link, P Tehranifar
Journal of health and social behavior 51 (1_suppl), S28-S40, 2010
Understanding labeling effects in the area of mental disorders: An assessment of the effects of expectations of rejection
BG Link
American sociological review, 96-112, 1987
Stigma and its public health implications
BG Link, JC Phelan
The Lancet 367 (9509), 528-529, 2006
On stigma and its consequences: evidence from a longitudinal study of men with dual diagnoses of mental illness and substance abuse
BG Link, EL Struening, M Rahav, JC Phelan, L Nuttbrock
Journal of health and social behavior, 177-190, 1997
Stigma as a barrier to recovery: The consequences of stigma for the self-esteem of people with mental illnesses
BG Link, EL Struening, S Neese-Todd, S Asmussen, JC Phelan
Psychiatric services 52 (12), 1621-1626, 2001
The measurement of social class in epidemiology
P Liberatos, BG Link, JL Kelsey
Epidemiologic reviews 10 (1), 87-121, 1988
Measuring mental illness stigma
BG Link, LH Yang, JC Phelan, PY Collins
Schizophrenia bulletin 30 (3), 511-541, 2004
The social rejection of former mental patients: Understanding why labels matter
BG Link, FT Cullen, J Frank, JF Wozniak
American journal of Sociology 92 (6), 1461-1500, 1987
Socioeconomic status and psychiatric disorders: the causation-selection issue
BP Dohrenwend, I Levav, PE Shrout, S Schwartz, G Naveh, BG Link, ...
Science 255 (5047), 946-952, 1992
Culture and stigma: Adding moral experience to stigma theory
LH Yang, A Kleinman, BG Link, JC Phelan, S Lee, B Good
Social science & medicine 64 (7), 1524-1535, 2007
“A disease like any other”? A decade of change in public reactions to schizophrenia, depression, and alcohol dependence
BA Pescosolido, JK Martin, JS Long, TR Medina, JC Phelan, BG Link
American journal of psychiatry 167 (11), 1321-1330, 2010
Is racism a fundamental cause of inequalities in health?
JC Phelan, BG Link
Annual Review of Sociology 41 (1), 311-330, 2015
Public conceptions of mental illness in 1950 and 1996: What is mental illness and is it to be feared?
JC Phelan, BG Link, A Stueve, BA Pescosolido
Journal of Health and Social behavior, 188-207, 2000
“Fundamental causes” of social inequalities in mortality: a test of the theory
JC Phelan, BG Link, A Diez-Roux, I Kawachi, B Levin
Journal of health and social behavior 45 (3), 265-285, 2004
Stigma and prejudice: one animal or two?
JC Phelan, BG Link, JF Dovidio
Social science & medicine 67 (3), 358-367, 2008
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