Tammy D. Barry
Tammy D. Barry
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The importance of callous–unemotional traits for extending the concept of psychopathy to children.
CT Barry, PJ Frick, TM DeShazo, M McCoy, M Ellis, BR Loney
Journal of abnormal psychology 109 (2), 335, 2000
Academic underachievement and attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder: the negative impact of symptom severity on school performance
T Deshazo-Barry, RDK Lyman
Journal of School Psychology 40, 259-283, 2002
Examining the effectiveness of an outpatient clinic–based social skills group for high-functioning children with autism
TD Barry, LG Klinger, JM Lee, N Palardy, T Gilmore, SD Bodin
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 33, 685-701, 2003
The importance of narcissism in predicting proactive and reactive aggression in moderately to highly aggressive children
TD Barry, A Thompson, CT Barry, JE Lochman, K Adler, K Hill
Aggressive Behavior: Official Journal of the International Society for …, 2007
The influence of maternal stress and distress on disruptive behavior problems in boys
T D BARRY, S T DUNLAP, SJ Cotten, JE Lochman, KC Wells
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 44 (3), 265-273, 2005
Does attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder have a dimensional latent structure? A taxometric analysis.
DK Marcus, TD Barry
Journal of abnormal psychology 120 (2), 427, 2011
Anger control training for aggressive youths.
JE Lochman, CL Boxmeyer, NP Powell, TD Barry, DA Pardini
The Guilford Press, 2010
Stability of psychopathic characteristics in childhood: The influence of social relationships
TD Barry, CT Barry, AM Deming, JE Lochman
Criminal Justice and Behavior 35 (2), 244-262, 2008
Inconsistent discipline as a mediator between maternal distress and aggression in boys
TD Barry, ST Dunlap, JE Lochman, KC Wells
Child & Family Behavior Therapy 31 (1), 1-19, 2009
Anger and aggression
JE Lochman, T Barry, N Powell, L Young
Practitioner's guide to empirically based measures of social skills, 155-166, 2010
Are typically-developing siblings of children with an autism spectrum disorder at risk for behavioral, emotional, and social maladjustment?
TS Tomeny, TD Barry, SH Bader
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 6 (1), 508-518, 2012
Aggressive and nonaggressive boys' physiological and cognitive processes in response to peer provocations
SC Williams, JE Lochman, NC Phillips, TD Barry
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 32 (4), 568-576, 2003
The relation among sleep, routines, and externalizing behavior in children with an autism spectrum disorder
JA Henderson, TD Barry, SH Bader, SS Jordan
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 5 (2), 758-767, 2011
The relation between chosen role models and the self-esteem of men and women
KE Wohlford, JE Lochman, TD Barry
Sex roles 50, 575-582, 2004
Sibling relationship quality and psychosocial outcomes among adult siblings of individuals with autism spectrum disorder and individuals with intellectual disability without autism
TS Tomeny, BM Ellis, JA Rankin, TD Barry
Research in developmental disabilities 62, 104-114, 2017
Self‐perceived social acceptance and peer social standing in children with aggressive–disruptive behaviors
DA Pardini, TD Barry, JM Barth, JE Lochman, KC Wells
Social Development 15 (1), 46-64, 2006
Protective Factors Against Distress for Caregivers of a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder
RA Lindsey, TD Barry
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 48, 1092-1107, 2018
Birth order rank as a moderator of the relation between behavior problems among children with an autism spectrum disorder and their siblings
TS Tomeny, TD Barry, SH Bader
Autism 18 (2), 199-202, 2014
Parentification of adult siblings of individuals with autism spectrum disorder
TS Tomeny, TD Barry, EC Fair, R Riley
Journal of Child and Family Studies 26, 1056-1067, 2017
A longitudinal examination of the relation between parental expressed emotion and externalizing behaviors in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder
SH Bader, TD Barry
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 44, 2820-2831, 2014
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