Toward a framework for ecologies of artifacts: how are digital artifacts interconnected within a personal life? H Jung, E Stolterman, W Ryan, T Thompson, M Siegel Proceedings of the 5th Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction …, 2008 | 191 | 2008 |
Reprioritizing the relationship between HCI research and practice: bubble-up and trickle-down effects CM Gray, E Stolterman, MA Siegel Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Designing interactive systems, 725-734, 2014 | 118 | 2014 |
Adaptive feedback and review paradigm for computer-based drills. MA Siegel, AL Misselt Journal of Educational Psychology 76 (2), 310, 1984 | 105 | 1984 |
System and method for case study instruction M Siegel US Patent App. 10/167,131, 2003 | 89 | 2003 |
Moving toward the digital learning environment: The future of Web-based instruction MA Siegel, S Kirkley Khan 62, 263-270, 1997 | 76 | 1997 |
Understanding computer-based education MA Siegel, DM Davis (No Title), 1986 | 74 | 1986 |
Metamorphosis: Transforming non-designers into designers MA Siegel, E Stolterman | 52 | 2009 |
Inventing the virtual textbook: Changing the nature of schooling MA Siegel, GA Sousa Educational Technology 34 (7), 49-54, 1994 | 41 | 1994 |
Evaluating interactive entertainment using breakdown: Understanding embodied learning in video games W Ryan, MA Siegel Proceedings of DiGRA 2009 Conference: Breaking New Ground: Innovation in …, 2009 | 38 | 2009 |
Device landscapes: A new challenge to interaction design and HCI research E Stolterman, H Jung, R Will, MA Siegel Archives of Design Research 26, 7-33, 2013 | 28 | 2013 |
Teacher Behavior and Student Achievement in the Bereiter-Engelmann Follow-Through Program. MA Siegel, B Rosenshine | 25 | 1973 |
Sketching design thinking: Representations of design in education and practice CM Gray, MA Siegel Design and Technology Education: An International Journal 19 (1), 48-61, 2014 | 24 | 2014 |
Slow change interaction design MA Siegel, J Beck Interactions 21 (1), 28-35, 2014 | 23 | 2014 |
Effectiveness of a computer-based reading comprehension program for adults SM Alessi, M Siegel, D Silver, H Barnes Journal of educational technology systems 11 (1), 43-57, 1982 | 22 | 1982 |
Computer-based education in prison schools MA Siegel Journal of Educational Technology Systems 7 (3), 239-256, 1979 | 22 | 1979 |
Student goes on a journey; stranger rides into the classroom: Narratives and the instructor in the design studio E Boling, MA Siegel, KM Smith, P Parrish Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education 12 (2), 179-194, 2013 | 21 | 2013 |
Integrating HCI and design: HCI/d at IUB, a design education case story E Blevis, Y Rogers, M Siegel, W Hazlewood, A Stephano Zimmerman, J., Evenson, S., Baumann, K., & Purgathofer, P. Workshop on the …, 2004 | 20 | 2004 |
Designing for deep conversation in a scenarios-based e-learning environment MA Siegel, SE Ellis, MB Lewis 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004 …, 2004 | 18 | 2004 |
Rhetorical evaluation of user interfaces O Sosa-Tzec, MA Siegel Proceedings of the 8th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Fun …, 2014 | 17 | 2014 |
Device ecology mapper: a tool for studying users' ecosystems of interactive artifacts W Ryan, E Stolterman, H Jung, M Siegel, T Thompson, WR Hazlewood CHI'09 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 4327-4332, 2009 | 15 | 2009 |