Lili Ehrlich
Lili Ehrlich
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Carnegie Mellon University
在 andrew.cmu.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Thermal conductivity of metal powders for powder bed additive manufacturing
LC Wei, LE Ehrlich, MJ Powell-Palm, C Montgomery, J Beuth, JA Malen
Additive Manufacturing 21, 201-208, 2018
Large thermal conductivity differences between the crystalline and vitrified states of DMSO with applications to cryopreservation
LE Ehrlich, JSG Feig, SN Schiffres, JA Malen, Y Rabin
PLoS One 10 (5), e0125862, 2015
Thermal analyses of a human kidney and a rabbit kidney during cryopreservation by vitrification
LE Ehrlich, GM Fahy, BG Wowk, JA Malen, Y Rabin
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 140 (1), 011005, 2018
Thermal conductivity of the cryoprotective cocktail DP6 in cryogenic temperatures, in the presence and absence of synthetic ice modulators
LE Ehrlich, JA Malen, Y Rabin
Cryobiology 73 (2), 196-202, 2016
Thermal conductivity of cryoprotective agents loaded with nanoparticles, with application to recovery of preserved tissues and organs from cryogenic storage
LE Ehrlich, Z Gao, JC Bischof, Y Rabin
PLoS One 15 (9), e0238941, 2020
Thermal conductivity of metal powders for powder bed additive manufacturing, Addit. Manuf. 21 (2018) 201–208
LC Wei, LE Ehrlich, MJ Powell-Palm, C Montgomery, J Beuth, JA Malen
Thermal analyses of nanowarming-assisted recovery of the heart from cryopreservation by vitrification
P Joshi, LE Ehrlich, Z Gao, JC Bischof, Y Rabin
Journal of heat transfer 144 (3), 031202, 2022
Thermal conductivity of metal powders for powder bed additive manufacturing. Addit Manuf 21: 201–208
LC Wei, LE Ehrlich, MJ Powell-Palm, C Montgomery, J Beuth, JA Malen
016 Integration of transient hot-wire method into scanning cryomacroscopy in the study of thermal conductivity of dimethyl sulfoxide
LE Ehrlich, JSG Feig, JA Malen, SN Schiffres, Y Rabin
Cryobiology 67 (3), 402, 2013
JA Malen Thermal conductivity of metal powders for powder bed additive manufacturing., 2018, 21
LC Wei, LE Ehrlich, MJ Powell-Palm, C Montgomery, J Beuth
DOI: https://doi. org/10.1016/j. addma 2, 201-208, 2018
Thermal Conductivity of Cryoprotective Agents with Applications to Cryopreservation by Vitrification
LE Ehrlich
Carnegie Mellon University, 2017
A new device and technique for thermal conductivity measurements of glass-forming materials with application to cryopreservation
LE Ehrlich, JSG Feig, SN Schiffres, JA Malen, Y Rabin
Heat Transfer Summer Conference 55485, V002T11A004, 2013
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