Cost of health care: a household survey in an Indian district. R Duggal, S Amin | 186 | 1989 |
Review of healthcare in India LV Gangolli, R Duggal, A Shukla Centre for enquiry into health and allied themes, 2005 | 148 | 2005 |
The abortion assessment project—India: key findings and recommendations R Duggal, V Ramachandran Reproductive health matters 12 (sup24), 122-129, 2004 | 137 | 2004 |
Poverty & health: criticality of public financing R Duggal Indian Journal of Medical Research 126 (4), 309-317, 2007 | 90 | 2007 |
Special Statistics-10: Health Expenditure across States: Part I R Duggal, S Nandraj, A Vadair Economic and Political Weekly, 834-844, 1995 | 69* | 1995 |
The political economy of abortion in India: cost and expenditure patterns R Duggal Reproductive Health Matters 12 (sup24), 130-137, 2004 | 68 | 2004 |
Healthcare in India: changing the financing strategy R Duggal Social Policy & Administration 41 (4), 386-394, 2007 | 62 | 2007 |
Incidence of non-fatal health outcomes and debt in urban India TR Dilip, R Duggal CEHAT, 2002 | 46 | 2002 |
Mumbai’s Struggles with Public Health Crises R Duggal Economic & Political Weekly 55 (21), 17-20, 2020 | 44 | 2020 |
Sinking flagships and health budgets in India R Duggal Economic and Political Weekly, 14-17, 2009 | 44 | 2009 |
Un met need for public health-care services in Mumbai, in dia TR Dilip, R Duggal Asia-Pacific Population Journal 19 (2), 27, 2004 | 40 | 2004 |
Evolution of health policy in India R Duggal Centre for Enquiry into Health and Allied Themes, 2-3, 2001 | 39 | 2001 |
Health care budgets in a changing political economy R Duggal Economic and Political Weekly, 1197-1200, 1997 | 39 | 1997 |
Introduction to review of healthcare in India R Duggal, LV Gangolli A Review of Healthcare in India’, Eds Gangolli LV, Duggal R, Shukla. A …, 2005 | 33 | 2005 |
Utilisation of and expenditure on delivery care services: Some observations from Nashik District Maharshtra R Balaji, T Dilip, R Duggal Regional Health Forum WHO-South-East Asia Region 7, 34-41, 2003 | 32 | 2003 |
Health care financing and insurance: perspective for the ninth plan, 1997-2002 A Shariff, A Gumber, R Duggal, M Alam MARGIN-NEW DELHI- 31 (2), 38-68, 1999 | 30 | 1999 |
Health care utilisation in India R Duggal Health for the Millions 2 (1), 10-12, 1994 | 29 | 1994 |
Physical standards in the private health sector S Nandraj, R Duggal Radical Journal of Health 2 (2/3), 141-84, 1996 | 28 | 1996 |
Physical standards in the private health sector: a case study of rural Maharashtra S Nandraj, R Duggal Centre for development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, IN, 1995 | 28 | 1995 |
Bhore Committee (1946) and its relevance today R Duggal The Indian Journal of Pediatrics 58, 395-406, 1991 | 28 | 1991 |