Katherine Poggensee
Katherine Poggensee
Rehabilitation Medicine, Erasmus MC and Mechanical Engineering, TU Delft
在 tudelft.nl 的电子邮件经过验证
Human-in-the-loop optimization of exoskeleton assistance during walking
J Zhang, P Fiers, KA Witte, RW Jackson, KL Poggensee, CG Atkeson, ...
Science 356 (6344), 1280-1284, 2017
How adaptation, training, and customization contribute to benefits from exoskeleton assistance
KL Poggensee, SH Collins
Science Robotics 6 (58), eabf1078, 2021
Your brain on speed: cognitive performance of a spatial working memory task is not affected by walking speed
JE Kline, K Poggensee, DP Ferris
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 288, 2014
General variability leads to specific adaptation toward optimal movement policies
SJ Abram, KL Poggensee, N Sánchez, SN Simha, JM Finley, SH Collins, ...
Current Biology 32 (10), 2222-2232. e5, 2022
Characterizing swing-leg retraction in human locomotion
KL Poggensee, MA Sharbafi, A Seyfarth
Mobile Service Robotics, 377-384, 2014
Ball juggling on the bipedal robot cassie
KL Poggensee, AH Li, D Sotsaikich, B Zhang, P Kotaru, M Mueller, ...
2020 European Control Conference (ECC), 875-880, 2020
Human-in-the-loop optimization of active plantarflexion exoskeleton assistance for one individual with chronic stroke
T Nguyen, K Poggensee, A Voloshina, S Collins
Gait Posture 73, 428-429, 2019
Lower limb biomechanics of fully trained exoskeleton users reveal complex mechanisms behind the reductions in energy cost with human-in-the-loop optimization
KL Poggensee, SH Collins
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 11, 1283080, 2024
Light-weight wearable gyroscopic actuators can modulate balance performance and gait characteristics: A proof-of-concept study
BT Sterke, KL Poggensee, GM Ribbers, D Lemus, H Vallery
Healthcare 11 (21), 2841, 2023
Quantification of the development of trunk control in healthy infants using inertial measurement units
J Blok, KL Poggensee, D Lemus, M Kok, RF Pangalila, H Vallery, ...
2022 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), 1-6, 2022
Understanding the Human Contribution to the Human-Exoskeleton System
KL Poggensee
Stanford University, 2021
Understanding the mechanisms behind human-in-the-loop optimization strategies
KL Poggensee, K Sreenath, SH Collins
Dynamic Walking, 2017
Identifying the dynamics of a human-exoskeleton system
KL Poggensee, K Sreenath, SH Collins
Dynamic Walking, 2015
Indirect Haptic Disturbances Enhance Motor Variability, with Divergent Effects on Skill Transfer
W Arink, KL Poggensee, N Beckers, DA Abbink, L Marchal-Crespo
bioRxiv, 2024.02. 29.582677, 2024
Gyroscopic balance assistance for people with degenerative ataxia
B Sterke, L van de Venis, K Poggensee, G Ribbers, V Weerdesteyn, ...
OSF, 2023
General Variability Leads to Specific Adaptation Toward Energy Optimal Policies
SJ Abram, KL Poggensee, N Sánchez, SN Simha, JM Finley, SH Collins, ...
Sensitivity Analysis of Gait Models for Realistic Variation of Muscle-tendon Parameters
K Poggensee, J Stingel
Effects of exoskeleton assistance in individuals with unilateral transtibial amputation
AS Voloshina, KL Poggensee, JK Butterfield, SH Collins
People explore gait dimensions, and reduce this exploration, as they learn to walk with exoskeleton assistance
SJ Abram, KL Poggensee, M Donelan, SH Collins
Improving Human-in-the-Loop Optimization Algorithms using Machine Learning Techniques
T Nguyen, K Poggensee, GR Tan
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