Haiyang Li
Haiyang Li
Professor of Strategic Management and innovation, Rice University
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Product innovation strategy and the performance of new technology ventures in China
H Li, K Atuahene-Gima
Academy of management Journal 44 (6), 1123-1134, 2001
The role of managers' political networking and functional experience in new venture performance: Evidence from China's transition economy
H Li, Y Zhang
Strategic management journal 28 (8), 791-804, 2007
Innovation search of new ventures in a technology cluster: The role of ties with service intermediaries
Y Zhang, H Li
Strategic management journal 31 (1), 88-109, 2010
When does trust matter? Antecedents and contingent effects of supervisee trust on performance in selling new products in China and the United States
K Atuahene-Gima, H Li
Journal of Marketing 66 (3), 61-81, 2002
FDI spillovers in an emerging market: the role of foreign firms' country origin diversity and domestic firms' absorptive capacity
Y Zhang, H Li, Y Li, LA Zhou
Strategic Management Journal 31 (9), 969-989, 2010
Strategic decision comprehensiveness and new product development outcomes in new technology ventures
K Atuahene-Gima, H Li
Academy of Management Journal 47 (4), 583-597, 2004
The adoption of agency business activity, product innovation, and performance in Chinese technology ventures
H Li, K Atuahene‐Gima
Strategic management journal 23 (6), 469-490, 2002
Emerging Markets as Learning Laboratories: Learning Behaviors ofLocal Firms and Foreign Entrants in Different InstitutionalContexts
MA Hitt, H Li, WJ Worthington
Management and Organization Review 1 (3), 353-380, 2005
R&D intensity and international joint venture performance in an emerging market: Moderating effects of market focus and ownership structure
Y Zhang, H Li, MA Hitt, G Cui
Journal of International Business Studies 38, 944-960, 2007
The contingent value of marketing strategy innovativeness for product development performance in Chinese new technology ventures
K Atuahene-Gima, H Li, LM De Luca
Industrial Marketing Management 35 (3), 359-372, 2006
Returnees Versus Locals: Who Perform Better in C hina's Technology Entrepreneurship?
H Li, Y Zhang, Y Li, LA Zhou, W Zhang
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 6 (3), 257-272, 2012
FDI spillovers over time in an emerging market: The roles of entry tenure and barriers to imitation
YA Zhang, Y Li, H Li
Academy of Management Journal 57 (3), 698-722, 2014
How does new venture strategy matter in the environment–performance relationship?
H Li
The journal of high technology management research 12 (2), 183-204, 2001
Fairness from the top: Perceived procedural justice and collaborative problem solving in new product development
H Li, JB Bingham, EE Umphress
Organization Science 18 (2), 200-216, 2007
Entrepreneurial strategy making and performance in China's new technology ventures–the contingency effect of environments and firm competences
H Li, Y Zhang, TS Chan
The Journal of High Technology Management Research 16 (1), 37-57, 2005
Top management team conflict and entrepreneurial strategy making in China
H Li, J Li
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 26, 263-283, 2009
Marketing's influence tactics in new product development: A study of high technology firms in China
K Atuahene–Gima, H Li
Journal of Product Innovation Management: An International Publication of …, 2000
Emerging market firms' internationalization: how do firms' inward activities affect their outward activities?
H Li, X Yi, G Cui
Strategic Management Journal 38 (13), 2704-2725, 2017
The Effects of Formal Controls on Supervisee Trust in the Manager in New Product Selling: Evidence from Young and Inexperienced Salespeople in China*
K Atuahene‐Gima, H Li
Journal of Product Innovation Management 23 (4), 342-358, 2006
Marketing's influence and new product performance in Chinese firms
H Li, K Atuahene-Gima
Journal of International Marketing 7 (1), 34-56, 1999
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