Berenice Camargo Damasceno
Berenice Camargo Damasceno
Professora de Estatística (experimental e aplicada), UNESP
在 mat.feis.unesp.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Scheduling and deadlock avoidance of a flexible manufacturing system
BC Damasceno, X Xie
SMC'98 Conference Proceedings. 1998 IEEE International Conference on Systems …, 1998
Deadlock-free scheduling of manufacturing systems with multiple resources
BC Damasceno, X Xie
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 31 (15), 451-456, 1998
On an optimal linear control applied to a non-ideal load transportation system, modeled with periodic coefficients
FR Chavarette, NJ Peruzzi, JM Balthazar, L Barbanti, BC Damasceno
Applied Mechanics and Materials 52, 13-18, 2011
Deadlock-free scheduling of manufacturing systems using Petri nets and dynamic programming
BC Damasceno, X Xie
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 32 (2), 4870-4875, 1999
Control aspects in nonlinear Hill’s equation
L Barbanti, BC Damasceno
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 16 (5), 2328-2331, 2011
O Paradoxal Efeito Hydra em Populações: Aumento do Número de Indivíduos enquanto Aumenta a Taxa de Mortalidade
GH Conceição, BC Damasceno, L Barbanti
Proceeding Series of the Brazilian Society of Computational and Applied …, 2014
Hartman-Grobman decomposition when in presence of jumps in the relative degree of the dynamics in an energy harvesting device
L Barbanti, BC Damasceno, CA dos Reis, NAP da Silva
AIP Conference Proceedings 1493 (1), 84-87, 2012
State dependent Riccati equation control of nonlinear vibrations in a microelectro-mechanical gyroscope system
FR Chavarette, GR Campodonio, L Barbanti, BC Damasceno
International Journal of Applied Mathematics 24, 131-148, 2011
Linear integral equations with discontinuous kernels and the representation of operators on regulated functions on time scales
L Barbanti, BC Damasceno, GN Silva, MCAB Federson
Differential and Difference Equations with Applications: Contributions from …, 2013
A generalized Riemann-Stieltjes integral on time scales and discontinuous dynamical equations
L Barbanti, BC Damasceno, FR Chavarette, JM Balthazar
Modelos estatísticos para a composição de uma Carteira de Investimentos
BC Damasceno, ES Vidal, BPN Macedo
XXXII CNMAC, 286-287, 2009
Composing a portfolio in stock markets by using a series saturation method
BC Damasceno, L Barbanti
XXXII CNMAC, 277-283, 2009
Ordinary fractional differential equations are in fact usual entire ordinary differential equations on time scales
BC Damasceno, L Barbanti
AIP Confer. P 1637, 279-282, 2014
Representing causal linear operators on the space of the regulated functions in time scales
L Barbanti, BC Damasceno, GN Silva, MCAB Federson
CNMAC-2012 Aguas de Lindoia (SP)(Anals) in press SBMAC, 2012
Control design applied to a micro electro mechanical system: MEMS comb drive
A Bonato Altran, FR Chavarette, CR Minussi, NJ Peruzzi, ...
Advanced Materials Research 217, 33-38, 2011
Modelos baseados em extensões de rede de Petri para análise de protocolos de comunicação
BC Damasceno
[sn], 1989
Propriedades de derivadas conformes e derivadas fracionárias
BC Damasceno, L Barbanti, L Ragiotto
Proceeding Series of the Brazilian Society of Computational and Applied …, 2020
Professor Luciano Barbanti: a bright trajectory in analysis and in life
BC Damasceno, MCAB Federson, M Tvrdý, L Barbanti
Abstracts, 2020
Modelagem e Simulação de Telhados Verdes
CS Anselmo, BC Damasceno, RMM Castilho, EML Lopes
Proceeding Series of the Brazilian Society of Computational and Applied …, 2018
Derivada em escalas temporais sobre derivadas fracionárias
BC Damasceno, L Barbanti, L Ragiotto
Proceeding Series of the Brazilian Society of Computational and Applied …, 2018
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